Methods of distributing Autocad 3D models

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fernando Ronci, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    Is there a way to view Autocad-generated 3D-rendered models on
    machines that don't have Autocad installed ?
    I'm asking this because more often than not I have to show my 3D
    Autocad stuff to coworkers and other people that don't have Autocad on
    their systems.
    In particular, I'd like to know if there exists a thin and
    light-weight viewer, Autodesk's or third-parties', that takes Autocad
    files and renders the resulting 3D-model on the screen, allowing minor
    functionality such as
    real-time pan, rotate and zoom of the rendered model. I do understand
    that these are not trivial functions at all, but they would really
    come very handy.

    To distribute a model once it's finished, I do this today:
    1- Pick a view.
    2- Render the model.
    3- Save the .BMP file.
    4- Repeat step 1 until satisfied.
    5- Distribute the BMP files (or jpg, png, whatever)

    Apart from being cumbersome, this approach doesn't allow any degree of
    interaction with the rendered 3D model.

    Maybe Autocad already comes with built-in tools to achieve what I'm
    asking, and I'm unaware of them. Whatever the case, I'll highly
    appreciate if someone can tell me what is the state-of-the-art method
    for distributing Autocad 3D rendered models.

    Thank you,

    Fernando Ronci
    Fernando Ronci, Dec 3, 2004
  2. Fernando Ronci

    maxgeo71 Guest

    At the very least, you may want to consider .jpg format for file size
    Next, you want to use the new dwf tools.
    Autodesk was showing it at AU last week. It does a lot of stuff
    including rotateable 3d models. Very impressive. Your clients do not
    need AutoCAD software. They do need the free dwf viewer program
    (downloadable from above link). It is under 2Mb so it can be attached
    to emails, and there are no licensing requirements, you may freely
    distribute the viewer.
    maxgeo71, Dec 10, 2004
  3. Unfortunately the DWF Viewer has nothing related to real-time
    manipulation of 3D models.
    I'll have to search elsewhere, although I don't know if what I want to
    do is feasible.

    fernandoronci, Dec 16, 2004
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