I am having difficulty in meshing. From reading previous posts...suprise, suprize! I love SW and CW. When it works its great, but there are so many times when it just doesn't (ARRRG!). I have a lot of T-Shaped and intersecting shells (Ship Design). The models are not huge and usually consist of a curved plate with angle bar stiffeners. I generally use solid meshes, but sometimes I use shell meshes. I usually create a part and not an assembly. The same problem happens either way. Some but not all the components mesh. I have played with various meshing settings to no avail. From the Cosmosworks documentation I suspect it may be because some edges may have misaligned elements. How can I get the model to mesh? I know that there are a lot of CW issues especially with thin shells, but there has to be some way to get it to mesh. You guys are smart, someone's got the answer/workaround. Another analysis package is not the answer - we are using SW period. Hardware: dual processor 3GHz, 2 GB RAM, XP Pro . I am using SW 2006 and CW Pro. I also have access to Autocad 2006 and Rhino 3.0 if this helps. Thank you.