Merge parallel transistors on extract

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Raf Karakiewicz, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I have a very large, cell-based circuit impossible to simulate. I would
    like to see the behaviour of a small subset of these cells but would like
    to include the non-linear, signal-dependant capacitive loading of the
    other cells.

    Assuming for now my cell consists of only one transistor, I would like to
    tie the D,S,G of all transistors together. Now this doesn't help me in
    simulation time as I still have the same number of transistors, UNLESS
    extract could merge these transistors into ONE large transistor. I would
    then only have the cells I want to simulate + 1 very large 'dummy' cell to
    load my circuit. Can this be done?

    Raf Karakiewicz
    Electrical Engineer
    Raf Karakiewicz, Jun 23, 2004
  2. Hi Raf,

    I had a similar problem a few months ago. The simplest solution I found
    was to use AWK on the extracted netlist.

    David Enright, Jul 2, 2004
  3. AssuraRCX has a parameter "M Factor W" and "M Factor R" which reduces
    parallel transistors. See the section on this in the Assura User Guide (in the
    RCX chapter, in the Filtering Options section).

    It's in Assura 3.1

    Andrew Beckett, Jul 2, 2004
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