Menus hosed

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Drew, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. Drew

    Drew Guest

    OK, I did a stupid thing while I being inundated with questions from a
    co-worker. I had the tool information box slip under the Menus and
    cover up my palettes, and I couldn't move the info box because the
    titlebar was under the Menus. "I'll just turn off the menus", he

    Got the info box moved. Now can't turn the Menus back on because I
    don't have a shortcut for "Customize" on any F-key, and I don't know
    how to start the key-in browser without a menu.

    I found the F-key file, funckey.mnu, but have no idea what the actual
    command is to get either the "Customize" dialog or the "Key-in" dialog
    to come up.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Drew, Jun 30, 2004
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