Menu Pull Down Problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by HDC, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. HDC

    HDC Guest

    First I load the ACAD.mnu and them I appload the partial menu i need, a
    section of the partial menu is below:
    I'm using AutoCAD ADT 2004, with Win XP.

    ID_MnLilker_Programs [LILKER Programs ]
    [Set Drawing Scale]^c^cSETSCALE
    [(MATT) Move Attributes]^c^cMATT
    [(A2T) Att Def to text]^c^cA2T

    The problem is that when the menu is loaded, the menu show no open

    Attributes > MATT) Move Attributes
    A2T) Att Def to text

    Any help/suggestion//Tip/Idea?

    Thank you guys...

    HDC, Mar 21, 2005
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