Menu Item Repeat

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TRJ, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    I have a partial menu (heirarchical) with hundreds of lines like the

    [SP-20 ]^c^c-LAYER;M;LA-TREE;C;3;;;-INSERT;TREE-01;\(/ 10.0 12)+

    How can these macro be "defun'd" so that a single return will repeat the
    macro? I know how to make macros repeat but this is not the desired
    TRJ, Apr 6, 2005
  2. TRJ

    Tom Closs Guest

    It looks as if all of these macros creates some layers and inserts blocks on
    these layers. If you created a simple LISP routine to do the same thing it
    would allow you to use the Enter key to repeat the LISP lika a seperate
    AutoCAD command. I think this is what you are looking for.
    Tom Closs, Apr 6, 2005
  3. TRJ

    Casey Guest

    for toolbar buttons, putting a '*' before the command makes it repeat untill
    it is 'escaped' out of..... don't know if it works in a menu or not....
    probably not... so Lisp would be the way to go.

    Casey, Apr 6, 2005
  4. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    If I create a subroutine and call it in each macro with the appropriate
    values as in:

    [TAF]^c^c(gcvr_sub "TAF" 12)

    it DOES NOT repeat with a simple Enter.

    I cannot imagine having to create unique C: defuns for each line of the menu
    (hundreds of lines). And as stated before, I realize a menu macro can be
    made to repeat until escaped but, again, this is not the desired

    Can't you create a "container" or temporary C: defun of some sort to
    accomplish the desired functionality? Is the lambda function what I'm
    looking for? I've never used it nor do I understnd its use.

    TRJ, Apr 7, 2005
  5. TRJ

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    How about this?
    [TAF]^c^c(defun c:temp () (gcvr_sub "TAF" 12));temp
    [TAM^c^c(defun c:temp () (gcvr_sub "TAM" 10));temp


    check out
    Jeff Mishler, Apr 7, 2005
  6. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    Tadah - where do I send the prize money ;-). Thanks Jeff for a glimpse of

    TRJ, Apr 7, 2005
  7. The * alone isn't enough -- the menu item needs to start with *^C^C. And
    it does work in tablet, screen, and pull-down menus as well as toolbars.
    Kent Cooper

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Apr 7, 2005
  8. TRJ

    Tom Smith Guest

    I've used your basic idea of doing a c: defun to make a menu itme repeat with a return, but with image menus. For instance we have a menu of common drawing tags, and it's common to place a bunch of them in a series. So the image_tags menu is called indirectly from a pulldown by

    [Drawing Tags]$I=ourmenu.image_tags imagemenu;

    Or from a toobar button by

    [_Button("Tags", "tags.bmp", "tags.bmp")]$I=ourmenu.image_tags imagemenu;

    And in the associated mnl there's a c: function

    (defun c:imagemenu ()
    (menucmd "I=*")

    This is enough to make the image menu pop up again by hitting a return.

    You could simplify Jeff's approach one step further by having a function in your mnl like

    (defun dothis (functioncall)
    (setq c:temp (list nil functioncall))

    And then the menu item would reduce to

    [TAF]^c^c(dothis '(gcvr_sub "TAF" 12));

    That would eliminate all those repetitive defuns in the menu itself.
    Tom Smith, Apr 7, 2005
  9. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    Excellent advice gentlemen. thank you.

    with a return, but with image menus. For instance we have a menu of common
    drawing tags, and it's common to place a bunch of them in a series. So the
    image_tags menu is called indirectly from a pulldown by
    TRJ, Apr 7, 2005
  10. TRJ

    Tom Smith Guest

    Oops, not that it really matters, but I should have declared the on-the-fly defun local:

    (defun dothis (functioncall / c:temp)
    (setq c:temp (list nil functioncall))
    Tom Smith, Apr 7, 2005
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