Menu Icons in Slide

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jane, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. jane

    jane Guest

    hi all,
    I had a menu I had permanently loaded called North, it had 16
    various North Arrows etc.
    I recently took Acad off my comp while I installed XP, but on
    putting it back I cant get my Icons to show when I click on the
    drop-down menu 'North'.
    I have checked that everything is pathed correctly and it is.
    Thing is, I can still use the North Menu (it still brings up a dialogue
    box similar to what happens with 'box, cone, cylinder & etc) I just
    cant actually see the icon-thumbnails in order to choose the one I
    may wish to use............ instead, it has the words "no icons"
    appear in all 16 choice boxes.

    All the Slides and Csv file along with dwg's are in the North Folder
    in Explorer (which is pathed correctly, or I guess I wouldnt have
    anything at all) so has anyone got any ideas as to what may be

    jane, Mar 23, 2005
  2. jane

    Warren Trost Guest

    Are the slides or slide library in the path? Were they hard coded to a
    particular path?
    Warren Trost, Mar 23, 2005
  3. jane

    jane Guest

    Hi, thanks for reply.
    Yes, i believe the paths are fine, but as for hard-coded that is
    another issue. what is it you are trying to say?
    I have a folder called 'North' which has been correctly pathed.
    Inside this folder are '.sld's' with companion '.dwg' for each. (16 of
    Also in this folder are the appropiate menus as created when i did
    a 'menu-load' for 'North'. It also contains the 'North.csv'.

    The Menu itself is now in place up with all other menus. When I
    click on it, it brings up the next part which is "insert arrows".
    On clicking on this I get the typical dialogue box which shows
    everything as normal except for a thumbnail of each arrow/icon.
    In place of the icon it says 'no icons'.
    If I click on any of the 16 while there, it does an insert complete
    with all options of scaling and etc......... in other words, it works
    just fine.

    hope some of this info helps you help me.

    jane, Mar 25, 2005
  4. jane

    jane Guest

    Hey Warren,
    you still out there?

    jane, Mar 27, 2005
  5. jane

    Warren Trost Guest

    Still here but took off Friday through the weekend.

    I've never had anything but blank images show up if they could not be found.
    I have never seen words here. Still sounds like something can't be found.
    I don't know what the csv file is here with slides.

    Hard coded as in "C:/SUBDIRECTORY/SLIDENAME".

    Are you using individual slides or a library?
    Warren Trost, Mar 28, 2005
  6. jane

    ECCAD Guest

    Sounds like Acad cannot find the .slb file (slide library).
    If you have any .slb files in the \North folder, copy them
    to your Acad\support folder.
    Do a menuunload, unload the menu, and reload the .mns

    ECCAD, Mar 28, 2005
  7. jane

    jane Guest
    yup, i think you are right bob......... i just looked and there is no
    ..SLB file in there.
    i wonder what could have happened to it? (or where it may be).
    its not in any of the .zip files i have. (when i backed it up, i put
    everything from North folder into a zipped file for safe keeping, and
    it is from this zipped folder that I have replaced North.)
    i have forgotton how the .slb file gets created, its been so long since
    doing this sort of thing.......... any hints or clues greatly

    regards Jane
    jane, Mar 31, 2005
  8. jane

    jane Guest

    Ah ha.....!!
    I found it guys.
    Have placed the .slb file in the North folder and after unloading and
    reloading menu all is now well.

    jane, Mar 31, 2005
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