menu files from 2002 - 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GrumpyChick, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    Ive bin reading some stuff in these forums and Im just not sure...

    Ive got a menu file that Im trying to write right now (its primarily an image menu) and its really my first attempt and its going quite well thanks to ECCAD, so my real question is... when someday (in the distant future) we might upgrade to 2005 or maybe even some later version, will I be able to migrate that menu file? (note: it is not the acad.mnu file, it is a partial menu)

    thanks for any replies
    GrumpyChick, Jul 7, 2004
  2. Yes, you should be able to, generally, but always with some testing and
    tweaking. Most menu items translate to later AutoCAD releases, but there
    are always changes that can affect some of them. Command prompts or prompt
    sequences or options can change. Commands can use dialog boxes where they
    didn't before. Occasionally a command becomes obsolete, and you have to
    change your code to use the current way of doing whatever it did.

    Sometimes things change that are hard to figure out, but not debilitating.
    I have many routines that used to repeat automatically, but that don't any
    more (starting with 2000), and I haven't yet figured out why, or how to get
    them to repeat again. But I can still use them.

    Of course, there will always be new features, or options within existing
    commands, that you may want to add into your menu structure, but those won't
    affect whether your older menus would work. And there are sometimes things
    that you can do more simply, but that will still work in the old ways (e.g.
    system variables that long ago had to be set with "setvar" but can now be
    entered like commands -- you can still use "setvar" on them, but you don't
    need to).

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    image menu) and its really my first attempt and its going quite well thanks
    to ECCAD, so my real question is... when someday (in the distant future) we
    might upgrade to 2005 or maybe even some later version, will I be able to
    migrate that menu file? (note: it is not the acad.mnu file, it is a partial
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 7, 2004
  3. GrumpyChick

    GrumpyChick Guest

    ok thanks.... good enough for me
    GrumpyChick, Jul 7, 2004
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