This deals more with our 3rd party software rather than Autocad but its a customization quesiton I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I use my middle mouse wheel to bring up an osnap menu. I find this menu in our 3rd party program under file hcadwin.mnu. The part that is the menu looks like this. ***POP0 **SNAP // Shift-right-click if using the default AUX2 and/or BUTTONS2 // menus. [&Object Snap Cursor Menu] ID_From [&From]_from ID_MnPointFi [->Poin&t Filters] ID_PointFilx [.X].X ID_PointFily [.Y].Y ID_PointFilz [.Z].Z [--] ID_PointFixy [.XY].XY ID_PointFixz [.XZ].XZ ID_PointFiyz [<-.YZ].YZ [--] ID_OsnapEndp [&Endpoint]_endp ID_OsnapMidp [&Midpoint]_mid ID_OsnapInte [&Intersection]_int ID_OsnapAppa [&Apparent Intersect]_appint ID_OsnapExte [E&xtension]_ext [--] ID_OsnapCent [&Center]_cen ID_OsnapQuad [&Quadrant]_qua ID_OsnapTang [Tan&gent]_tan [--] ID_OsnapPerp [&Perpendicular]_per ID_OsnapPara [Para&llel]_par ID_OsnapNode [No&de]_nod ID_OsnapInse [In&sert]_ins ID_OsnapNear [Nea&rest]_nea ID_OsnapNone [&None]_non [--] ID_OsnapSpk [&Sprinkler]_spk ID_OsnapPen [P&ipe End]_pen [--] ID_Osnap [&Osnap Settings...]'_+dsettings 2 I used to be able to edit this menu to have other commands I use. Now for some reason I can change this menu and it does nothing. I have also changed the hcadwin.mns file deleted the hcadwin.mnr and mnc file and reloaded to have autocad rebuild the menus and still nothing happens. Can this menu be located somewhere else outside of a mnu file? and if so where do I look?
Thanks I figured it out. Seems strange I had to edit the hcadwin.mns file before now I have to edit the acad.mns file. Seems odd that it would change.
Has there been any changes to your s::startup or your menu file location? I don't know what's been done on your system lately, Autocad by default will load the acad.mns. The menu command will set the default of what autocad uses on startup. If someone changes then saves a profile, that could have changed something too. It would be hard for me to say what it could be exactly but if you want to save the menu changes to your .mns, I would copy the changes over to a .mnu file or save a copy of the .mns in another folder out of the path because if someone loads the .mnu file, it will overwrite all the changes you made to the .mns file and you'll lose the changes. Bill