Menu changes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BillZ, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    I have made addtions to my .mns file and deleted my .mnc and .mnr. But when I start AutoCAD, I don't see the new POP12 in the menubar. My profile is set to current through the ACAD.LSP file. I unload the acad menugroup and load our personal .mns files in the acad.mnl.
    Any Ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    BillZ, Dec 17, 2003
  2. BillZ

    dean_bourke Guest

    Is your customization in a separate MNS file?
    You should just have to unload and reload it using MENULOAD.

    Make sure the directory where the MNS file is not read-only so the other files can be re-compiled.

    Message was edited by: dean_bourke
    dean_bourke, Dec 17, 2003
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