memory error at plotting

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Frank Nitsche, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Hello everyone,

    we've got a problem using IC51415 when plotting large data files. When
    we try to plot the wafeforms of a noise analysis (regardless if we
    plot from ADE or via ocean script) we got the following error and
    IC51415 crashes:

    *Error* Insufficient virtual memory: Malloc failed - nil

    Is there any environment variable within IC51415 where we can increase
    the virtual memory?

    Any help is appreciated.
    Frank Nitsche, Oct 30, 2008
  2. I fear that using 64 bits executable is the only solution for the memory.
    And as this is not my part, I don't know if they are available for the
    plotting tool in 5.1.41 or even in 6.1.x nor if there are work around such
    as tools able to split the wafeforms so that they are plottable.

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Oct 30, 2008
  3. I come to think, there is another factor -- but it asn't be pertinent for
    me, even at home, for such a long time that I had forgot about it -- what's
    your total swap space? Depending on what the other process consume,
    increasing it could solve the virtual memory problem (but you risk spending
    time in swapping, the only solution is then increasing the physical memory)

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Oct 30, 2008
  4. Frank Nitsche

    Marc Heise Guest

    Hi Frank,

    check cdsdoc for "CDS_WAVESCAN_MAXHEAP".

    Viele Gruesse,
    Marc Heise, Oct 31, 2008
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