Hi; Just wondering if anyone is using visual basic for customizing mechanical desktop (MD). I'm finding the VB/Active X help files pretty spotty and I can't find any books pertinent to programming MD. I'd like to find some good references before I take on anything too ambitious. The first problem I would like to solve is changing the scale of a hole note. Through my own experimenting I have been able to determine that the ObjectName is "AmdtNote" and it has a "Scale" property that can be read but apparently not written. Does anyone know how to change a hole note's scale? TIA! Kev (remove the "sp" in my address if you would like to send me a message)
Yes to using vb in mdt, unfortunately no to the hole note scale change idea. There are no books that I'm aware of for mdt customization specifically, although there are a few for autocad vba that you might find helpful. Kevin