Mechanical Desktop 6

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kevin Saruwatari \(Home\), Dec 13, 2004.

  1. Hi;

    Just wondering if anyone is using visual basic for customizing mechanical
    desktop (MD). I'm finding the VB/Active X help files pretty spotty and I
    can't find any books pertinent to programming MD. I'd like to find some
    good references before I take on anything too ambitious.

    The first problem I would like to solve is changing the scale of a hole
    note. Through my own experimenting I have been able to determine that the
    ObjectName is "AmdtNote" and it has a "Scale" property that can be read but
    apparently not written.

    Does anyone know how to change a hole note's scale?


    Kev (remove the "sp" in my address if you would like to send me a message)
    Kevin Saruwatari \(Home\), Dec 13, 2004
  2. Kevin Saruwatari \(Home\)

    Kevin Terry Guest

    Yes to using vb in mdt, unfortunately no to the hole note scale change idea.
    There are no books that I'm aware of for mdt customization specifically,
    although there are a few for autocad vba that you might find helpful.

    Kevin Terry, Dec 13, 2004
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