Mechanical computers: Turing Machine and Analytical Engine

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hps, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. hps

    hps Guest


    I want to see (and show!) a completely mechanical (let's say: wooden)
    Turing machine in action. And also the never built Analytical Engine
    of Charles Babbage. I have in mind how the mechanical Turing machine
    should work (all axes, gears, belts, and punch cards) and there are
    loads of detailed sketches of Babbage for his machine (which never
    came to life because of friction problems presumably).

    What I would like to achieve is an impressive animation - as realistic
    as possible - which gives one a feeling of how such mechanical
    computing machines would work. It is for educational purposes. For
    comparison sakes I'd also like to 4D-visualize Babbages Analytical
    Engine and Konrad Zuses Z3.

    The problem is: I am a physicist and philosopher and have nothing to
    do at all with CAD. So I am looking in the CAD community if there is
    someone around who would like to spend some time in designing such a

    Anyone interested? Or knows someone who might be interested?

    Thanks in advance
    hps, Aug 12, 2008
  2. hps

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Aug 13, 2008
  3. I believe that a modern day Babbage machine was built a few years ago. I
    seem to remember reading an article about it. Might have been in Scientific
    American, Smithsonian, or Invention and Technology.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 15, 2008
  4. hps

    Cliff Guest

    I think I recall that too (but only now since you mentioned it)
    so try the archives at Scientific American.
    Must have been about a decade or more ago."Scientific+American"+babbage
    Cliff, Aug 15, 2008
  5. hps

    Bo Guest

    Check with the museum where one copy is on display:

    (I think it was Larry Ellison who had the copy made, though I might
    have that wrong.)
    "Only two devices were built from Babbage’s designs, and one of them
    is currently on display at the “Computer History Museum” in Mountain
    View, California. "
    Bo, Aug 15, 2008
  6. hps

    Bo Guest

    Nathan Myrvohld from Microsoft funded the copy @ CHM.
    Bo, Aug 15, 2008
  7. hps

    hps Guest

    Hi folks,

    thanks a lot for your hints!

    I gathered what seemed to be gathering-worthy (have a re-look at it!): (great VIDEO!)
    (great SLIDESHOW!)

    You guessed what I am looking for!

    Now let me introduce to you the genuine idea:

    Creating a CAD-based toolkit for defining

    - abstract machines (like Turing, Babbage, register (abacus vs. von
    Neumann vs. Harvard architecture), Wolfram automatons, ...)
    - transforming abstract definitions into concrete mechanical (sic!) 3D-
    models which visualize the processes going on in these maschines

    Since the processes take place on very different levels, creating
    these models virtually is an issue! Think of a merge of the above
    VIDEO and SLIDESHOW, with random access to systemic and geometric view

    SolidWorks might - or might not - be the right tool for this. Maybe
    Mathematica or MathWorks (SimMechanics) could provide better
    solutions? (Your opinion is appreciated.)

    Very best regards

    hps, Aug 16, 2008
  8. hps

    Cliff Guest

    That's silly.

    IF you want to play with such get a computational simulation
    package of some sort & watch the bits flip.
    Cliff, Aug 17, 2008
  9. hps

    hps Guest

    IFit's silly: why do some people spend so much time and money in
    implementing mechanical simulations?

    - Nathan Myrvohld (OK: in honor of Babbage's merits and for historical
    - Ira Gilbert, Jacques Cohen: A simple hardware model of a Turing
    machine: its educational use (
    - Tim Robinson: Babbages Analytical Engine (

    It's my own experience: physical simulations are much more suggestive
    than mere flipping bits - if they are well done. It is about computing

    I understand your point: the principles can in principle be
    demonstrated with flipping bits. But why is this NOT silly: "Just look
    at the formal definitions!" (you could say.)

    hps, Aug 18, 2008
  10. hps

    Cliff Guest

    Hobby & history & museum buffs.
    You don't need "suggestive". You need understanding.
    Or take a few classes in computer science.

    BTW, For a few things analog computers may still be better.

    For you: Buy a few old desktop mechanical calculators &
    take them apart. Check Ebay, etc.
    Cliff, Aug 18, 2008
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