mechanica structure is friction possible ?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by g. bon, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. g. bon

    g. bon Guest


    I have to make a thermal-structural analysis and I'm wondering if this one
    is possible with Mechanica or not.

    the assembly I have to analyse is the following one :
    In a groove of a (big) steel part, I have
    - in the bottom, a thin gasket of epoxy+glass
    - a bar made of copper and isolating material (50mm.100mm.3meters long)
    - an other gasket of composite material
    - on the top, a Ripple spring that apply a pressure on the last gasket.

    I have the temperature of 4 points in the bar (from 40°C to 80°C) and we can
    assume the isolating material, the gaskets and the steel part are at the
    same constant temperature (30°C).
    so the first question is :
    Is it possible to calculate thermal conduction to get the temperature
    gradients in the whole bar ?

    Then, with those first results, is it possible to make a thermal-structural
    coupled analysis to get displacements, stress and strain in the bar while
    taking into account
    - the friction betweeen bar and gaskets,
    - the pressure of the ripple spring,
    - the thermal expansion of the bar ?

    I have to give an answer very soon so I would like to Know if it's possible
    with Mechanica (and if possible, how to do, just in few words).

    If not, I will have to buy Ansys (for Pro/E compatibility) and I would like
    to know which package (professional, structural...) if anyone have knows.

    Thanks a lot for any advice,

    g. bon, Apr 8, 2006
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