measure time in assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Klaus Sabroe, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Klaus Sabroe

    Klaus Sabroe Guest


    Does anyone if there is a program that measures the time SolidWorks
    uses to solve each mate.
    It would also be very nice to see how long it takes to rebuild each

    I have been thinking about which mate is fastest, for instance, is it
    faster to mate parallel to front plane (or right, top) instead of mate
    coincident or parallel to another part? Or distance 0 instead of
    coincident? Two holes, concentric or the two centrelines coincident.
    And so on.

    Kind regards

    Klaus Sabroe
    Klaus Sabroe, Jun 15, 2004
  2. I know there is no such program, otherwise I'd be the author ;-)
    Mates are not solved independently. Think about 3 points being mated "at
    distance" from each other : you have to solve all three "at the same time"
    in order to find the positions of each. In reality, SW uses an iterative
    process which involves solving many times the same mate. In other words, the
    way mates are organized matters much more than the mates themseves.
    Especially, loops in mates are deadly for the rebuild time.
    Have a look at for a tool that
    displays the assembly structure as a graph. It will help you "debugging"
    your mates.
    Yes. It would only be possible with a "custom rebuild" which would build the
    components models one by one. I'll consider this for the next version of
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jun 15, 2004
  3. Klaus Sabroe

    cadishaq Guest

    It's faster to mate from behind.

    cadishaq, Jun 15, 2004
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