MDT6 selection doesn't show up for properties.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rich Grise, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. Rich Grise

    Rich Grise Guest

    Possibly the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my illustrious 6-month
    career as an MDT6 tyro: The "Properties" window just says "no selection"
    even when something is selected. I just noticed this today on a new
    install in my new computer (2000 Athlon, 80GB, 512 MB) "properties"
    doesn't even come up in the right-click shortcut menu. Or I'll click
    it, and nothing happens. The selected item does light up, however, and
    what makes it a little weirder (or maybe good diagnostic info) is that
    it does show the window on ballons and the BOM Parts List.

    I hope it's just a setting, but this continues to happen even after
    uninstalling and reinstalling MDT6. I don't have the real manual,
    because my current client is letting me use their copy, and the
    guy who originally registered it is long gone, along with most of the
    original docs for _everything_.

    Any ideas?


    To send an email that will actually get read, elide 'ard'.
    Rich Grise, Sep 18, 2003
  2. Do you use RegClean or similar tools?
    Sometimes they wipes registry keys used by AutoCAD.
    A re-install should get them back.

    Conny Klasson, Sep 18, 2003
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