
Discussion in 'Microstation' started by sworna vidhya, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. Hai all,
    I need to duplicate cell element. I'm reading the cell using
    mdlElmdscr_read and then using mdlElmdscr_duplicate. After duplicating
    the cell, I'm adding the duplicate created using mdlElmdscr_add. But
    no duplication is found. Also, read and duplicate functions are
    getting success. Please help me with duplicating cells.

    Help with suggestions,ideas,code invited.

    Thanx in advance.

    sworna vidhya, Jul 24, 2003
  2. Is the mdlElmdscr_add returning SUCCESS (0) ? or is it returning a
    fileposition > 0?

    did you try adding a mdlElmdscr_display to try and see if it is there? I
    would also recomend stepping line by line throughthis section of your app to
    see each step as it excutes and you can look at the element descriptor to
    see what is in there? And as Jon notes some segment of source code would
    help us to help you as well.

    mark anderson [Bentley]
    mark anderson, Jul 24, 2003
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