May I run spectre simulation with hspice model?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tech11, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. Tech11

    Tech11 Guest

    Hello everyone,

    I have only hspice model file and need to run simulation. Since I'm familiar
    with spectre and wanna use it to run. But I don'w know if I may do with
    hspice model, or need I deal with the model file? How to do it? Thanks for
    your help!

    Have a good day!


    Tech11, Apr 5, 2006
  2. Use spectre from MMSIM60 - the new front end can read hspice models natively.
    You can also use spectre from IC5141, but you'd need to turn on the new front
    end - I'd recommend going for MMSIM60 though.

    There's nothing particularly special you need to do - just point to the model
    files in the same way you'd point to spectre model files.

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 5, 2006
  3. Tech11

    Tech11 Guest


    Thanks for your answers.

    I'm not sure how to do that by spectre of IC5141, may you give me more info?
    Thanks for your help!

    If I add 'simulator lang=hspice' to the spice model file, and run spectre
    simulation with it, may I get one right result?

    Have a good day!


    Tech11, Apr 10, 2006
  4. Either use:

    envSetVal("spectre.envOpts" "useCsfe" 'boolean" t)

    in your .cdsinit file, or specify +csfe on the usrCommandLineOpts in the
    Setup->Environment form.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 11, 2006
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