MATWEB materials library

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Hello, all.

    Has anyone has any experience with MATWEB's ( new
    Soliworks material library feature? They say that for $50/year you can
    have full iste access and can download material properties in Solworks
    material libray format.

    I tried the sample libray and it worked, at least.

    Wher's everybody else get their properties sets? Anyone fdevoted to
    stricty putting in what you need "by hand"?

    Tom, Jun 13, 2005
  2. We created our own custom material list. I used some of the info from for a few of the materials we use. I didn't think it was a
    big deal to manually enter the info. You do it once and your done. Put it on
    the network and share it with all machines.

    I decided to go with a custom material list because I needed the name of the
    materials to be a specific format so that when I open a sheetmetal part in
    SigmaNEST, our laser cutting software, the name matches the format that I
    need to import it correctly.

    Richard Charney, Jun 14, 2005
  3. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Thanks, Rich.

    I've tried a couple, but it's interesting - not all the variables are
    always there, and I can't seem to be able to add new/missing ones, or
    to find a list of variable names (i.e., EX, ALPX, etc).

    It's never easy...

    Tom, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Tom

    Tom Guest

    What flabbergasted me is the lack of a real editor. I use COSMOSWorks,
    which uses temperature dependent materials properties (and perhaps time
    dependent as well), and that's in a sldmat file as well. But no real
    editor, no documenation as to allowed material propeirs & names (at
    least that I've found). Ya know, it's areas like this (and my nags on
    the BOM) where the rubber meets the road, and what happens? Incomplete
    stuff that requires you to be a VBA wizard to work around.

    Tom, Jun 17, 2005
  5. Tom

    TOP Guest

    I was poking around in the sldmat file in 2005. This is what I found:

    <EX displayname="Elastic Modulus" value="0.69E+11"/>
    <NUXY displayname="Poissons Ratio" value="0.33"/>
    <GXY displayname="Shear Modulus" value="0.27E+11"/>
    <ALPX displayname="Thermal Expansion Coefficient" value="0.23E-04"/>
    <DENS displayname="Density" value="0.27E+04"/>
    <KX displayname="Thermal Conductivity" value="0.17E+03"/>
    <C displayname="Specific Heat" value="0.10E+04"/>
    <SIGXT displayname="Tensile Strength" value="1.10297E+8"/>
    <SIGYLD displayname="Yield Strength" value="4.13613E+7"/>

    The capital letters such as EX, NUXY, etc. refer to standard material
    property nomeclature in Cosmos/M. If you can get a hold of the Cosmos/M
    documentation you will find all of the material property designators.
    This documentation can typically be downloaded from Whether
    CosmosWorks will support a particular designator is something you will
    have to determine by reading the CW docs or by testing. The units used
    above are MKS units so IPS units will have to be converted.

    The sldmat file itself appears to be in XML format. It resides in
    \lang\english\sldmaterials with the sldmat extension. Any file with the
    sldmat extension will appear in the materials list box if it is in that
    to multiple directories with sldmat databases as an alternative to the
    above directory.

    My guess is that the <material> tag and the <physicalproperties> tag
    are all that are needed to add a material to SW. The <material> tag has
    two parameters, name="" and matid = "". It would appear that the matid
    must be sequential.

    I don't know if Access or Excel have the ability to read in an XML file
    and make sense of it, but if they did this would be a convenient way to
    manage your properties.

    This API example could also be useful:
    Get Material Database and XML Schema File Names Example (VB)
    TOP, Jun 18, 2005
  6. Tom

    Tom Guest

    You da man, TOP. For some reason I thought the sldmat file was binary-
    I thought I did a quickview...
    Still, what is up with the XML stuff lately? Why not just read flat
    text, that's just about wat you're doing anyway...


    Tom, Jun 21, 2005
  7. Tom

    TOP Guest

    I supposed because it creates a standard format for transfering data.
    Most of your MSoft applications like Excel, Word and Access can read
    and write these things. If SW provided the Schema I think Excel could
    be used to manage XML data.
    TOP, Jun 21, 2005
  8. Tom

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Jun 21, 2005
  9. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Holey moley! I'll be a while just wading thru all that!



    (who still gets cranky about the demise of flat text data files!)
    Tom, Jul 5, 2005
  10. Tom

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    You can use internet explorer to read the sldmat file and look at it in
    native xml format. Also you can use visual studio .NET to extract the
    schema for the xml file.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Jul 5, 2005
  11. Tom

    TOP Guest

    I used gawk to massage that list a little and then sucked it into
    access. There is a little inconsistency in the format of one of the
    fields, but I could probably wring it out into a sldmat file with a
    little more work. And as always with a list like this you have to check
    out the data before you use it for design purposes.
    TOP, Jul 6, 2005
  12. Tom

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Ok. I was feeling ambitious and wrote a solidworks materials gizmo in
    LabVIEW to manipulate these files. It reads sldmat files and writes
    flat csv files, or vice versa.

    In any event I sucked the reference file into Excel and parsed it to
    create categories and such. You can download a copy at

    Then I pushed it through my converter and created a sldmat file. You
    can download it at

    Be forewarned it takes a few moments to load up.

    Have fun.
    Chris Dubea, Mar 8, 2006
  13. Tom

    TOP Guest

    I had a problem loading it into 2004.

    The attribute 'matid' on this element is not defined in the DTD/Schema.
    line 9, column 38

    I used a text editor to remove the offending property. The sldmat file
    then loaded. However 2004 showed the modulus for aluminum to be
    1.221e+007 N/m^2 no matter which system of units was set for the
    documents. This number is appropriate for psi, not metric. Apparently
    2004 converts the mks units in the sldmat file to ips but appends mks
    units regardless of the units that are set in the model.
    TOP, Mar 9, 2006
  14. Tom

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I'm running into all sorts of issues regarding the units in the
    library. Also the format evidently has changed as well because it
    loaded just fine in 2005 SP3

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Chris Dubea, Mar 9, 2006
  15. Tom

    TOP Guest

    I mentioned this because too many people will just load up the
    material library and blindly use it for mass properties or in
    CosmosExpress without ever checking to see that it was correct and
    giving the right answers. I don't think that you will find in the help
    any documentation whatsoever on the format of the sldmat file, changes
    between different revisions, methods of calculating conversions between
    units or the source of the data and whether it is average, maximums or
    minimum properties. For plastics you don't know at what temperature the
    properties are valid. So the user is responsible for checking anything
    that is used.
    TOP, Mar 9, 2006
  16. Tom

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Geez did I screw this one up. Boy. I'll repost it when I've finished
    fixing it.

    My apologies!
    Chris Dubea, Mar 9, 2006
  17. Tom

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Confirmed. Use at your own risk!!!!!!
    Chris Dubea, Mar 9, 2006
  18. Tom

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I've uploaded new copies. These seem to correlate well with the
    original values.

    The values for thermal conductivity and specific heat are zeroed out
    because they weren't in the original list.

    Please check these values before you use them. I cannot be
    responsible for the validity of the data. All I've done is reformat
    them and parse them into the proper file schema.

    The download links are:


    It might make some sense to break this up into separate files for the
    separate categories. It would load faster that way.

    If you want to update the values, please so, but I would GREATLY
    appreciate if you would e-mail me a copy.

    My e-mail address is chris.dubea at gmail dot com

    Chris Dubea, Mar 9, 2006
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