Matt sells out?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Imagine my shock and horror when visiting Matt Lombard's blog this weekend
    to read he is not only hanging up his mean ass SW ranger hat but plastering
    the den walls with gratuitous 'advertising'. and probably life-size
    portraits of the SW management team..ugh!

    Matt has finally caved to financial pressure - or has he?.
    Who got to him?

    Perhaps Matt enjoyed his overseas holiday more than he let on and is making
    sure he has one next year...
    Following the successful calling home of Mike Puckett Solidworks must have
    put out a wider message to other zombies to rise as well.
    I strongly suspect those innocent glowing phone home USB gadgets that were
    given out a while ago are the medium for this terror.
    They laughed about it at the time but its all come to pass.
    Beware the next step is universal blank screens and then implants of SW
    serial no.s.

    Please if you have a loved one in your household who uses and cares about
    Solidworks more than they should chain them to something solid over the
    festive season.
    It may sound cruel and they will plead and whimper to be denied blog and
    modelling time but it is in the wider interests of humanity to defeat this
    poodle army.

    Soon it will be only Jon and me left defending truth, justice beauty and
    (e)quality in the CAD world.
    Fear not no shrill shilling will trumpet from these threads however
    attractive the poison challis of commercialism.

    Liberty or die!!
    Have a nice break this New Year folks.
    oh... and lets be careful out there!....
    neil, Dec 6, 2008
  2. neil

    bob zee Guest

    what about good ol' bob z.? we all know bob z. has been pretty lame
    here lately, but don't count him out!

    bob z.
    bob zee, Dec 6, 2008
  3. neil

    neil Guest

    Mr z.
    We all recognise you to be the ultimate warrior in the fight against the
    Please don't apologise for recent 'lameness'.

    ....such humility from a selfless hero....
    the complete lack of 'I' in your character is a marvel and inspiration to us
    We all know you have battled and terminated more robotic IT staff on sunny
    Friday afternoons than anyone...

    The SW zombies are prevalent but not pervasive
    First we take back Manhattan and then Berlin.
    We will need your support for the final assault on Concorde
    Stay in touch...
    Remember the code name for this operation is 'Barbie burner'
    Pity about Matt he was one of our best men...

    neil, Dec 6, 2008
  4. neil

    That70sTick Guest

    So Matt has put away his SWord and gone back to the plow. Not too
    surprised, really. Matt had hinted that he may be tired of fighting
    and wished to spend more time writing about how to actually do things
    in SW.

    Will he fight no more forever? Who can tell; perhaps not even Matt
    knows. He has done much and owes us nothing.
    That70sTick, Dec 7, 2008
  5. neil

    neil Guest

    Friends I need to follow up this post here because Matt is not allowed to
    appear outside controlled environments let alone dash unaccompanied by
    marketing minders through dark alleys inhabited by anti-Barbie mutants and
    random stand-ups...
    This happens when you are taken but you need not fear for him
    He will be going to a better place one day.

    Here is the remainder of a note dropped through the drain covers the mice
    were too proud to eat:

    ....I knew I was gonna take some heat for this, and with 3 votes cast and a
    1.33 rating, well, that’s what I deserve.......I assure you.. SolidWorks
    corp has nothing to do with my decision to run ads...

    My heart breaks to read this...
    I do remember a time fairly recently when Matt had profound things to say
    about commercial blogs and what a scourge on the dignity of professionalism
    they were
    I am pretty sure too that such was his contempt for these low life floggers
    that he distinguished between real bloggers and commercial bloggers in his
    link lists.
    And now as we know he has been taken and bent and twisted horribly until
    there is no continuity left

    At times of trouble and internationally shared sorrow like this
    woe-be-gotten incident - the loss of Matt to 'the far side' - a place where
    car salesmen rule and zombies are your only friends -we must remember our
    roots and the principals that made our profession great and noble.
    We can draw strength from the promise that 'yes we can' if only the bastards
    would get out of our way..
    Here is a practical lesson to all free CADsters
    Stray into the comfort zone and there is no 'save as'
    Be vigilant always my fellows

    I found this part of a note on the ground next to a violin case abandoned
    by buskers that were like wise too proud..

    ....I put out a tip jar and neil didn’t put anything in it..

    Now this is confusing because I did put a tip in the jar - it was a star -
    they are worth a lot in some parts of the SW galaxy
    I don't know why the counter didn't register it properly so I did it twice
    and the total came to 1.25 - work that one out - must be broken or

    Anyway readers wishing to contribute to a memorial service for Matt are
    welcome to send their monies to me directly and I will see they are
    converted into stars ASAP.
    Flowers can be sent to Matt's house provided they are good surface models -
    Realview is appreciated
    neil, Dec 7, 2008
  6. neil

    neil Guest

    BTW each year about this time I try to generate a little early holiday
    spirit on the forums to offset the depression of using Solidworks for 11

    I would like to wish everyone who comes here including all those people on
    my blocked senders list like brewertr a Happy and prosperous New Year
    despite themselves.

    It can only get better for some folks with hungry mortgages and children and
    uncertain employment I know...

    best regards
    neil, Dec 7, 2008
  7. neil

    neil Guest

    ah no sorry I am telling the truth
    I have been checking up today via Google Groups to see if Matt has replied
    to my teasing
    I cant actually see your posts in my news reader which is why I am replying
    to my own post here and above.
    neil, Dec 7, 2008
  8. neil

    Cliff Guest

    And I still have no idea why my name was dropped.
    Cliff, Dec 7, 2008
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