Imagine my shock and horror when visiting Matt Lombard's blog this weekend to read he is not only hanging up his mean ass SW ranger hat but plastering the den walls with gratuitous 'advertising'. and probably life-size portraits of the SW management team..ugh! Matt has finally caved to financial pressure - or has he?. Who got to him? Perhaps Matt enjoyed his overseas holiday more than he let on and is making sure he has one next year... Following the successful calling home of Mike Puckett Solidworks must have put out a wider message to other zombies to rise as well. I strongly suspect those innocent glowing phone home USB gadgets that were given out a while ago are the medium for this terror. They laughed about it at the time but its all come to pass. Beware the next step is universal blank screens and then implants of SW serial no.s. Please if you have a loved one in your household who uses and cares about Solidworks more than they should chain them to something solid over the festive season. It may sound cruel and they will plead and whimper to be denied blog and modelling time but it is in the wider interests of humanity to defeat this poodle army. Soon it will be only Jon and me left defending truth, justice beauty and (e)quality in the CAD world. Fear not no shrill shilling will trumpet from these threads however attractive the poison challis of commercialism. Liberty or die!! Have a nice break this New Year folks. oh... and lets be careful out there!....