Matt Lombard - SW Users Summit

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thestew, May 9, 2007.

  1. thestew

    thestew Guest

    I see you will be at the users summit in Naxhville on the 22nd. Look
    forward to meeting you.

    Stewart Partridge
    thestew, May 9, 2007
  2. thestew

    matt Guest


    Don't get your hopes up about meeting me, I'm not that good looking or
    personally charming. You might be disappointed. ;o) Other folks that you
    will want to meet will be there as well, like Ricky Jordan and Richard
    Doyle, and as some of the crazy crew from the North Alabama user group,
    Brian McElyea and Gary Hall to name a couple (at least I think they'll
    be there).

    I'm looking forward to the Summit as well. I always pick up a few things
    watching other people run the software, plus it's nice for once to be
    surrounded by people as geeky as me. A whole day of stuff!

    (For anyone who hasn't signed up yet, do it:
    matt, May 10, 2007
  3. thestew

    thestew Guest

    This will be my first one so I am not sure what to expect, but I am
    always looking to learn more. I have only been using for about 3 years
    now and I do mostly sheetmeatal so I am interested to see some of the
    other aspects of solidworks. So do you know if there is a users group
    for the Memphis area? Oh, and do you know of some good places to get
    some grub in Nashville? Later...
    thestew, May 10, 2007

  4. Well, personally, I think you're charming!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 11, 2007
  5. thestew

    matt Guest

    You can expect about 10 different presentations, two at a time so you
    have to make choices. Richard will do something different in the
    lead-off session and at lunch. He usually gives stuff away, and I know
    we will have at least one SW 2007 Bible to give away.

    There have been some discussions about a Memphis group, and it is in the
    works. If you are interested in helping, let me know and I'll hook you
    up with the folks who are doing the work.

    As far as chow in Nashville,I have no idea, I've never been there.

    See you there!

    matt, May 13, 2007
  6. thestew

    thestew Guest

    I emailed the North Mississippi users group although they meet a
    little far from me, about 2 hours. I am very interested in getting a
    users group started up here in Memphis, the company I am with
    presently employs 16 solidworks designers, I think that would be a
    good start.
    thestew, May 14, 2007
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