mating threads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Does anyone have an example of how to create multiple assembly
    configurations that represent 2 threaded parts (male and female) that
    thread together at different, with a distance mate controlling the
    thread depth? An example might be a jack screw where the body is fixed
    and the screw itself threads in and can be adjusted by "turning" the
    screw down to a specific height. Normally I wouldn't care about
    matching up the actual threads in simple cases, but in this case I need
    to have various configurations where the male part maintains the proper
    axial alignment with its mating part, no matter what distance is input.
    I could probably manually calculate the angle for each increment,
    based on my known travel distance and the thread pitch, etc., and then
    use an angle mate in addition to my distance mate, but I was hoping
    that there was a magic solution that would mate the geometry of the
    treads and determine the radial orientation based on simply varying the
    distance constraint.

    Hopefully this description makes sense to someone out there. Anybody
    have experience with this type of problem, or am I just "screwed"
    doing it the hard way?
    Josh, Jan 17, 2006
  2. Josh

    Brian Guest

    I am pretty sure you can do what you are after by using an equation to
    drive your angle mate. Set your distance mate to be configuration specific,
    and your angle mate to all configurations. The equation that would drive
    the angle mate would look something like this: "angle dimension" =
    (distance*tpi-int(distance*tpi))*360. Under some unpredictable
    circumstances, this will require a ctl-q when switching configurations to
    update properly, but sometimes it works all on its own.
    Brian, Jan 18, 2006
  3. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Thanks for the advise guys. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope to
    get back to this by tomorrow.
    Josh, Jan 18, 2006
  4. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Well, I first tried using mates, with no luck (probably a way to make
    this method work, but I gave up early and moved on). Next, I tried
    using an equation and it seems to work well now.

    I didn't quite understand your (Brian's) example equation above (maybe
    because I didn't have experience using SW equations until now), but
    using the following equation I achieved satisfactory results...


    or more generically speaking...


    NOTE: "D4@Helix/Spiral1@bag_stop_movable.Part" is a direct reference to
    my pitch dimension in one of the parts, which should hopefully allow me
    to change the pitch downstream, without messing up my mates (the pitch
    is something that I plan to fine tune later, so wanted this
    parametrically linked).

    ALSO NOTE: One puzzling thing was, without the "+.0001" at the end of
    the equation, my result in the default configuration set the angle to
    zero, since the distance was zero, which the equation editor did not
    like. The following error was displayed: "This equation evaluates to a
    value that lies outside the modeler resolution", so I just added .0001
    to the end result since this slight angle shift wouldn't really be
    noticed in my assembly.

    Any idea why this was a problem, since SolidWorks normally allows
    angles to be set to zero, right?

    Thanks again for your help!

    Josh, Jan 19, 2006
  5. Josh

    Brian Guest

    Basically the equation I gave stripped off the integer value for rotations
    for example, if it took 4.3 rotations to achieve your distance, the equation
    would only return the .3 ... or 108 degrees. You may need to do something
    similar unless your rotation angles never exceed 360 degrees.
    Brian, Jan 19, 2006
  6. Josh

    Tin Man Guest

    Why not use a design table with the above mentioned equations in it?
    Excel is much easier to use. All you need is a value for how many turns
    into the material the thread is engaged (in a decimal value). From that
    you should be able to figure out the Distance Mate value and the Angle
    Mate value....Obvously you'd also need a cell to enter in the

    Tin Man, Jan 20, 2006
  7. Josh

    Josh Guest


    My assembly (in this case) should actually not ever exceed 360 degrees
    of rotation, however I am still interested in your method for this and
    other cases, since it seems to be better math. Can you please explain
    it to me once more, with an example. Sorry I'm not getting it exactly
    from your previous descriptions.

    Much thanks,


    Tin Man,

    Thanks for the tip. I haven't tried design tables in a while, but I
    can see where this may be helpful.

    Josh, Jan 21, 2006
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