
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Nov 15, 2003.

  1. What I'm seeing in SW2004 SP1.0 is that to accept a particular mate it now
    takes 2 mouse clicks because the "defer mate" functionality is now the norm
    and can't be turned off. Am I missing the boat here?

    Let me explain. Click on 2 things you want to become coincident, it decides
    on the default mate "coincident," and then click the check mark. It now
    puts it in the lower box, but doesn't go on from there until you click the
    check mark again, thereby requiring 2 clicks to accomplish the task. I
    tried a double-click, but that didn't work.

    If in the particular instance you want the functionality of the old "defer
    mate" that's what happens by default. The mate is accepted and put in the
    lower box, and you are then free to do another one. After your last one,
    clicking the check mark will solve all of them.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 15, 2003
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Scott Guest

    Have you tried picking two other parts after the first click? I tried that,
    and it worked, but that was in SP0.

    Scott, Nov 17, 2003
  3. I guess I'm not real sure what you mean. I find that I can pick 2 things to
    define a mate, but can't totally solve that mate & get out of the Mate
    Manager without another click. It's like the "defer mate" box is always
    checked, rather than just when you want it on.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    Dave-O-Mack Guest

    Hey All, long time no see!

    Saw a couple threads on mates, and perhaps I missed it, but how about the
    little toolbar that pops up wherever your mouse happens to be? I love that
    thing, just click and go. But the real kicker is using Alt drag. Hold down
    your Alt key, drag one face to another, then click the mate you want on the
    popup toolbar. I put a 300 piece assembly together in just a few days using
    this technique, and that was in my spare time.

    Dave "Solidman" Murray
    Dave-O-Mack, Nov 21, 2003
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