Mates and toolbox and sheet metal questions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pete Newbie, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Pete Newbie

    Pete Newbie Guest

    sw2004 Sp3.0
    First the mates question.
    Scenario one,
    If I select a side of a part and select other, click ok, hold the Ctrl key
    and then select another part, then select the mates icon, the mate that I
    require works.
    Scenario two,
    If I have the mates selection box open, select a side of a part and select
    other, click ok, the selection changes from "other" to the side I first
    selected !! I have tried this in several assemblies and happens all the
    time. Is this a bug?

    Toolbox question,
    I have been playing around with adding my own parts to the toolbox and now I
    want to delete the test parts. Is there a way?

    Sheet metal question,
    1.2mm mild steel, 100x100mm base flange, 25x25mm centred edge flange, back
    stop set to 25mm, 90deg bend.
    Why does the fold go all the way along the flange edge, even if the edge
    flange is smaller in width than the base flange?
    Using 0.8mm radius tooling and a 10mm "V", this would never happen in "real
    life", as the base flange edge would just get lost in the "V"
    Pete Newbie, Apr 29, 2004
  2. Mates - don't know - I just tried it and it seems to work fine here. I
    tried it a couple ways and it worked every time.

    Toolbox - not a clue - don't have it.

    Sheet metal - don't know - I just tried that also and it worked as expected.
    One thing you might check is if you have autorelief turned on. If not, it
    might try to curl the whole cross section, but that's just a thought.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 30, 2004
  3. Pete Newbie

    scota Guest

    Re: Sheetmetal

    Did you include your total bend allowance of 2.00406mm?
    scota, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Pete Newbie

    Mark Guest

    Pete, i have a solution for toolbox. toolbox is driven by an access
    database. i have been able to open it in access 2000 for SWx 2003,
    might be latest version of access in SWx 2004. there is a table in it
    that is called products. this is where toolbox stores your created
    parts. if you delete all non-escential rows from this table, it will
    delete these instances from your testing. hope that this helps. MRW

    Thinking out of the box means that you are constraining yourself to in
    the box thinking. Always think beyond the box, in fact think that
    there is no box. You will be supprised how far you can go.
    Mark, Apr 30, 2004
  5. Pete Newbie

    Brian Bahr Guest


    The shetemtal in SWX is just meant ot speed up design, its not a real
    time FEA application. I mean that it cant understand flaring that
    occurs in the real world, but its usually not necessary, if you
    understand what you want and the more difficult task of understaining
    what swx means you will get the best usage out of sheetmetal, speed
    over (visual) accuracy is the game here, and I am glad they chose it.

    My main comlaint is the way box corners must be handled in certain
    situations in order to keep the part flattenable.
    Brian Bahr, May 1, 2004
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