Material Database

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pete Yodis, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Pete Yodis

    Pete Yodis Guest

    I had a chance to mess around and start to create a material database
    that is pertinent to my company, rather than the out of the box one
    from SolidWorks. Am I missing anything, or can you only input
    material property values in metric in the new material database? It
    seems very poor if this is the case. Also, I posted another thread
    about this, but why is there a limitation of character space for the
    material name? Try adding a longer material name - you can't put
    anything in there past the space provided. This is very limited if
    you have a long material callout like this "STEEL ROUND BAR, 4140 Q &
    T PER ASTM A434-90a CLASS BD". I have had it suggested that we just
    abbreviate, but then we have people here guessing at what the
    abbreviation is, since this name will eventually show up on the
    drawing via custom file properties. The material database has some
    promise, but needs some work. What you guys think of it?
    Pete Yodis, Nov 14, 2003
  2. Pete Yodis

    Jeff N Guest

    I think its a start, but long overdue. I hated simply having to go through
    all the descriptions and change them all to capital letters so they would
    show up correctly on my drawing. It does have it's limitations that we'll
    have to live for a while. I started using it, but I ended up going back to
    my old manual method.

    Regarding the metric only issue: I believe that SolidWorks computes in
    metric units and then converts the results to whatever you have your
    document units set at.
    Jeff N, Nov 14, 2003
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