Mate References - components within assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by brrian, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. brrian

    brrian Guest

    I can't find any info on this in the help...

    Can Mate References be used on a component that's already in an
    assembly the same way as they can with a component that's dragged into
    an assembly? I created some on a screw component, and they work nicely
    when I drag a component from a part file into an assembly--pops right
    into the hole. But if I make a copy of that component within the
    assembly, I'd like to be able to use the same mate references to put
    another screw in another hole. I tried the "Alt" drag method, but I'm
    not sure that's the way to do it (it doesn't seem to be using the mate
    references). Help? Thanks.

    brrian, Oct 4, 2004
  2. brrian

    brrian Guest

    brrian, Oct 4, 2004
  3. brrian

    Krister L Guest

    Set the assy to "hidden lines visible"....pick the edge of the bolt while
    Your're holding down ctrl...take it easy so You see that it really is the
    edge of the bolt, small note will show up.......then drag the cursor to the
    edge of next hole and it will be copied and mated

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 7, 2004
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