Mate number 1,562,015,191

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hacksaw, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. hacksaw

    hacksaw Guest

    I have numerous mates in my tree with very large values for the name.
    For example: Concentric 1562015191.
    I also see mates that have no type defined in the tree.
    For example: "51 Rotor Stator".
    If I try to rename the mates the application crashes.
    Just so you know these number are really bogus......
    I have only worked on this assembly for about 6 months.
    I would have to average 1.5 million mates per hour.

    Now that is serious solidworks productivity! YAHOO!
    Bug? uh yeah.... report it? nah, I am to busy laughing.
    I love to look down and see those huge numbers! hehe!

    hacksaw, Apr 9, 2004
  2. hacksaw

    Todd Guest

    I saw this horsepucky in one of my assemblies that I'm currently working
    on -- but I'm only at mate #351,767.

    There's only 351 top level mates in the assy.

    Todd, Apr 9, 2004
  3. hacksaw

    Zander Guest

    My current assembly tops out at:

    Zander, Apr 12, 2004
  4. hacksaw

    Joe Guest

    I also just noticed this in 2004. It seems like for some reason mate
    numbers will go chronological for awhile then SW will add a digit on
    the end. Then they'll go chronological for awhile then another digit
    on the end. But I can't figure out any rhyme or reason to it.

    And I just crashed trying to open up the help, Damn!
    Joe, May 11, 2004
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