Matching index items in an array or list??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set" quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    pkirill, Jan 24, 2005
  2. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    Researching arrays a bit more, it seems I may be off in my description - maybe this will help, maybe make it worse - but here goes:

    Simplfied example:
    I have a name list: "Bob, Joe, Sue"
    a department list: "CAD, Accounting, Marketing"
    and a number list: "1, 2, 3"

    If the user selects "Bob" from a combobox, how can I get the routine to match "Bob" with "CAD" & "1" which would be the matching index/array/list items?

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set" quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    pkirill, Jan 24, 2005
  3. pkirill

    Oberer Guest

    hey pkirill,
    Where are you getting the list from? It looks like you'd have a table/spreadsheet with three (or more) columns:
    Name, Dept, Number List.

    Why not use this source?

    You could also use a collection of user defined types or classes as well...

    The problem with the later two is keeping your source up to date.
    If Bob, Joe, or Sue changes departments, or has a new number, how will you update those? If they're in a table or spreadsheet, it'll be easy for you or someone else to maintain....
    Oberer, Jan 24, 2005
  4. you made it a little easier, I think. Here's one example...

    Sub array_example()
    Dim nam(0 To 2) As String, dept(0 To 2) As String
    Dim num(0 To 2) As String, i As Integer
    nam(0) = "Bob": dept(0) = "CAD": num(0) = 1
    nam(1) = "Joe": dept(1) = "Accounting": num(1) = 2
    nam(2) = "Sue": dept(2) = "Marketing": num(2) = 3
    i = 1
    MsgBox nam(i) & ", " & dept(i) & ", " & num(i)
    End Sub

    Many people in the NG would probably tell you to use a Collection (search
    the NG for more on collections) and fill it with strings composed of the 3
    values separated by a unique symbol. Such as ...

    colData.AddItem ("Bob;CAD;1")
    colData.AddItem ("Joe;Accounting;2")
    colData.AddItem ("Sue;Marketing;3")

    You'd use the SPLIT function to break the strings into your 3 values.
    Collections give you some built-in tools over arrays. I just haven't used
    them as much, so I'm not the expert.

    Good luck,
    Researching arrays a bit more, it seems I may be off in my description -
    maybe this will help, maybe make it worse - but here goes:

    Simplfied example:
    I have a name list: "Bob, Joe, Sue"
    a department list: "CAD, Accounting, Marketing"
    and a number list: "1, 2, 3"

    If the user selects "Bob" from a combobox, how can I get the routine to
    match "Bob" with "CAD" & "1" which would be the matching index/array/list

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set"
    quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity
    from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having
    trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the
    need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this
    right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I
    totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    James Belshan, Jan 24, 2005
  5. Something like this maybe???

    '***Start Module
    Option Explicit

    Public Enum JoeSimith
    Department = 0
    EmployeeStatus = 1
    End Enum

    Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Joe Simith" & " " & _
    fDepartments(JoeSimith.Department) & _
    " " & fEmployeeStatus(JoeSimith.EmployeeStatus)
    End Sub

    Function fDepartments(inVal)
    Select Case fDepartments
    Case 0: fDepartments = "Marketing"
    Case 1: fDepartments = "CAD"
    End Select
    End Function

    Function fEmployeeStatus(inVal)
    Select Case fEmployeeStatus
    Case 0: fEmployeeStatus = "Good"
    Case 1: fEmployeeStatus = "Bad"
    End Select
    End Function

    '***End Module


    Researching arrays a bit more, it seems I may be off in my description - maybe this will help, maybe make it worse - but here goes:

    Simplfied example:
    I have a name list: "Bob, Joe, Sue"
    a department list: "CAD, Accounting, Marketing"
    and a number list: "1, 2, 3"

    If the user selects "Bob" from a combobox, how can I get the routine to match "Bob" with "CAD" & "1" which would be the matching index/array/list items?

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set" quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Paul Richardson, Jan 24, 2005
  6. oops... Fixed Select Case in both Functions...

    '***Start Module
    Option Explicit

    Public Enum JoeSimith
    Department = 0
    EmployeeStatus = 1
    End Enum

    Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Joe Simith" & " " & _
    fDepartments(JoeSimith.Department) & _
    " " & fEmployeeStatus(JoeSimith.EmployeeStatus)
    End Sub

    Function fDepartments(inVal)
    Select Case inVal
    Case 0: fDepartments = "Marketing"
    Case 1: fDepartments = "CAD"
    End Select
    End Function

    Function fEmployeeStatus(inVal)
    Select Case inVal
    Case 0: fEmployeeStatus = "Bad"
    Case 1: fEmployeeStatus = "Good"
    End Select
    End Function
    '***End Module
    Something like this maybe???

    '***Start Module
    Option Explicit

    Public Enum JoeSimith
    Department = 0
    EmployeeStatus = 1
    End Enum

    Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Joe Simith" & " " & _
    fDepartments(JoeSimith.Department) & _
    " " & fEmployeeStatus(JoeSimith.EmployeeStatus)
    End Sub

    Function fDepartments(inVal)
    Select Case fDepartments
    Case 0: fDepartments = "Marketing"
    Case 1: fDepartments = "CAD"
    End Select
    End Function

    Function fEmployeeStatus(inVal)
    Select Case fEmployeeStatus
    Case 0: fEmployeeStatus = "Good"
    Case 1: fEmployeeStatus = "Bad"
    End Select
    End Function

    '***End Module


    Researching arrays a bit more, it seems I may be off in my description - maybe this will help, maybe make it worse - but here goes:

    Simplfied example:
    I have a name list: "Bob, Joe, Sue"
    a department list: "CAD, Accounting, Marketing"
    and a number list: "1, 2, 3"

    If the user selects "Bob" from a combobox, how can I get the routine to match "Bob" with "CAD" & "1" which would be the matching index/array/list items?

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set" quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Paul Richardson, Jan 24, 2005
  7. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    These are all very helpful and I'm certainly learning a lot and I thank you all!

    But, isn't there a way to have three lists of data (ListA, ListB, & ListC) and to be able to say "If the item selected from ListA is listindex item 5, then select listindex item 5 from ListB and ListC".

    Something like this:

    intItemA = cboListA.listindex

    strItemA = ListA.item(intItemA)
    strItemB = ListB.item(intItemA)
    strItemC = ListC.item(intItemA)

    Other than creating invisible List Boxes, I don't know how to do it. Can you pinpoint an item location in an array like you can in a list box?
    oops... Fixed Select Case in both Functions...

    '***Start Module
    Option Explicit

    Public Enum JoeSimith
    Department = 0
    EmployeeStatus = 1
    End Enum

    Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Joe Simith" & " " & _
    fDepartments(JoeSimith.Department) & _
    " " & fEmployeeStatus(JoeSimith.EmployeeStatus)
    End Sub

    Function fDepartments(inVal)
    Select Case inVal
    Case 0: fDepartments = "Marketing"
    Case 1: fDepartments = "CAD"
    End Select
    End Function

    Function fEmployeeStatus(inVal)
    Select Case inVal
    Case 0: fEmployeeStatus = "Bad"
    Case 1: fEmployeeStatus = "Good"
    End Select
    End Function
    '***End Module
    Something like this maybe???

    '***Start Module
    Option Explicit

    Public Enum JoeSimith
    Department = 0
    EmployeeStatus = 1
    End Enum

    Sub test()
    Debug.Print "Joe Simith" & " " & _
    fDepartments(JoeSimith.Department) & _
    " " & fEmployeeStatus(JoeSimith.EmployeeStatus)
    End Sub

    Function fDepartments(inVal)
    Select Case fDepartments
    Case 0: fDepartments = "Marketing"
    Case 1: fDepartments = "CAD"
    End Select
    End Function

    Function fEmployeeStatus(inVal)
    Select Case fEmployeeStatus
    Case 0: fEmployeeStatus = "Good"
    Case 1: fEmployeeStatus = "Bad"
    End Select
    End Function

    '***End Module


    Researching arrays a bit more, it seems I may be off in my description - maybe this will help, maybe make it worse - but here goes:

    Simplfied example:
    I have a name list: "Bob, Joe, Sue"
    a department list: "CAD, Accounting, Marketing"
    and a number list: "1, 2, 3"

    If the user selects "Bob" from a combobox, how can I get the routine to match "Bob" with "CAD" & "1" which would be the matching index/array/list items?

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set" quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    What I'm trying to do is provide a form where a user can select the ampacity from a list box and have the routine return the number of sets of max amps.

    "Apacity = " 510 'User selects 510
    "Requires" 2 "sets of" 255 "amp wire" 'routine returns 2 & 255

    I believe this can be done with a multidimesional array - but I'm having trouble getting my head around it. In the past in VB I have bypassed the need for an array by creating "invisible lists". I'd really like to do this right, but I need some help.

    Can anyone give me a short example of creating and using a 3D array? Or am I totally off base and this is not the way to do it?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    pkirill, Jan 25, 2005
  8. pkirill

    Oberer Guest

    there is pkirill, but i think folks are trying to help you realize that you may NOT want three seperate arrays to store the data. you're really looking at a user defined type or perhaps a class. either way, when you think about it, each person has at least two other related pieces of info.

    I want to ask you again, how are you planning on creating these associations in the first place??

    using user defined types or classes would allow you to create an array or a collection.

    (module code)
    Option Explicit
    Public Type EMP
    Name As String
    Dept As String
    Product As String
    End Type
    (code in form)
    Private Sub test()
    Dim udtEmp As EMP
    udtEmp.Name = "Joe Bishop"
    udtEmp.Dept = "101"
    udtEmp.Product = "005"
    End Sub
    Oberer, Jan 25, 2005
  9. pkirill

    MP Guest

    am I missing something? are you looking for something more complicated than...
    Sub TestArray()
    'Ampacity numbers
    '"set" quantities
    'maximum amperages

    Dim Ampacity() As Variant
    Dim Quantities() As Variant
    Dim Maximum() As Variant
    Dim sTarget As String
    'sTarget = "120"
    'sTarget = "240"
    'sTarget = "510"
    'sTarget = "10000"

    'obviously bogus values since I have no idea what you're doing
    Ampacity = Array("120", "240", "510", "10000")
    Quantities = Array(1, 2, 2, 10)
    Maximum = Array(120, 120, 255, 1000)

    Dim iIdx As Integer
    'as example to see all values
    'in your program sTarget is set by choice from combobox
    For iIdx = 0 To 3
    sTarget = Ampacity(iIdx)
    Select Case sTarget
    Case Is = Ampacity(iIdx)
    Debug.Print "For ampacity : " & Ampacity(iIdx)
    Debug.Print "Required: " & Quantities(iIdx) & " conductors at " & Maximum(iIdx)
    End Select

    End Sub

    These are all very helpful and I'm certainly learning a lot and I thank you all!

    But, isn't there a way to have three lists of data (ListA, ListB, & ListC) and to be able to say "If the item selected from ListA is listindex item 5, then select listindex item 5 from ListB and ListC".

    Something like this:

    intItemA = cboListA.listindex

    strItemA = ListA.item(intItemA)
    strItemB = ListB.item(intItemA)
    strItemC = ListC.item(intItemA)

    Other than creating invisible List Boxes, I don't know how to do it. Can you pinpoint an item location in an array like you can in a list box?
    MP, Jan 25, 2005
  10. pkirill

    MP Guest

    However, I agree with the other answers that suggest having 3 separate arrays is a problematic way to store related information.
    A collection would be one way to group the values more closely together for ease of maintenance and code clarity (imho)
    Sub TestArray2()
    'Ampacity numbers
    'maximum amperages

    Dim AmpVals As Collection
    Set AmpVals = New Collection
    Dim AmpVal(0 To 2) As String

    Dim sTarget As String
    'create association lists as needed and put into collection
    AmpVal(0) = "120"
    AmpVal(1) = "1"
    AmpVal(2) = "120"
    AmpVals.Add AmpVal

    AmpVal(0) = "240"
    AmpVal(1) = "2"
    AmpVal(2) = "120"
    AmpVals.Add AmpVal

    AmpVal(0) = "510"
    AmpVal(1) = "2"
    AmpVal(2) = "255"
    AmpVals.Add AmpVal

    AmpVal(0) = "10000"
    AmpVal(1) = "10"
    AmpVal(2) = "100"
    AmpVals.Add AmpVal

    Dim iIdx As Integer
    'as example to see all values
    'in your program sTarget is set by choice from combobox
    For iIdx = 1 To AmpVals.Count
    sTarget = AmpVals(iIdx)(0)
    Select Case sTarget
    Case Is = AmpVals(iIdx)(0)
    Debug.Print "For ampacity : " & AmpVals(iIdx)(0)
    Debug.Print "Required: " & AmpVals(iIdx)(1) & " conductors at " & AmpVals(iIdx)(2)
    End Select

    Set AmpVals = Nothing
    End Sub
    MP, Jan 25, 2005
  11. pkirill

    MP Guest

    and another approach might be the class method mentioned above

    I have three sets of data: a list of Ampacity numbers, a list of "set"
    quantities, and a list of maximum amperages.

    one possible version:

    put this code in classmodule and name it clsLoadVal (or change references
    and name to your liking)
    'begin class code
    Option Explicit
    Private mlNumCond As Long
    Private mlAmpVal As Long

    'here the class encapsulates the data
    'hard code what ever value combinations are meaningful in your context
    Property Let Load(lLoad As Long)
    Select Case lLoad
    Case Is = 120
    mlNumCond = 1
    mlAmpVal = 120
    Case Is = 240
    mlNumCond = 2
    mlAmpVal = 120
    Case Is = 510
    mlNumCond = 2
    mlAmpVal = 255
    Case Is = 10000
    mlNumCond = 10
    mlAmpVal = 1000
    Case Else
    Err.Raise vbError + 1, "clsLoadVal", "Out of Range Value"
    End Select
    End Property

    'read only property
    Property Get Conductors() As Long
    Conductors = mlNumCond
    End Property

    'read only property
    Property Get AmpVal() As Long
    AmpVal = mlAmpVal
    End Property

    'end class code

    then in standard module put this code
    'begin module code
    Sub TestClass()
    Dim cLoad As clsLoadVal
    Set cLoad = New clsLoadVal
    Dim lLoad As Long

    lLoad = 120
    cLoad.Load = lLoad
    Debug.Print "For load of " & lLoad
    Debug.Print "Require " & cLoad.Conductors & " conductors at " & cLoad.AmpVal

    lLoad = 240
    cLoad.Load = lLoad
    Debug.Print "For load of " & lLoad
    Debug.Print "Require " & cLoad.Conductors & " conductors at " & cLoad.AmpVal

    lLoad = 510
    cLoad.Load = lLoad
    Debug.Print "For load of " & lLoad
    Debug.Print "Require " & cLoad.Conductors & " conductors at " & cLoad.AmpVal

    lLoad = 10000
    cLoad.Load = lLoad
    Debug.Print "For load of " & lLoad
    Debug.Print "Require " & cLoad.Conductors & " conductors at " & cLoad.AmpVal

    On Error GoTo Errhand

    lLoad = 100000
    cLoad.Load = lLoad
    Debug.Print "For load of " & lLoad
    Debug.Print "Require " & cLoad.Conductors & " conductors at " & cLoad.AmpVal

    If Err Then '
    MsgBox "Error in: " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    End If

    Set cLoad = Nothing
    End Sub

    'begin module code

    if running from ide,
    to see error trapping set Tools|Options|General|Error Trapping to "break on
    unhandled errors"
    MP, Jan 25, 2005
  12. pkirill

    hwalker Guest

    Or try this

    Dim Ampacitiy(500,3) as string

    The above lines so on and so forth. Next

    For I =1 to 500
    If Ampacity(i,0)="500" then
    hwalker, Jan 26, 2005
  13. pkirill

    Oberer Guest

    I asked earlier:
    You can see what's been suggested above and why I keep asking. You've got to have this data sitting somewhere already (perhaps your accounting system?). If you don't, you'll have to create the relationship(s). Would you prefer to do this with code or a spreadsheet / table? the latter would be much easier to update & maintain :)
    Oberer, Jan 26, 2005
  14. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    THAT'S IT! Mostly...

    First, let me say thanks for all the input and the patience with my evident
    inability to grasp the "array" concept. (I have a similar blockage with

    What I have been given is a list of *55* possible Ampacities - 30A thru
    5025A. Each value needs to be associated with a number of wire sets and the
    max amps for each set - so an ampacity of 1900 amps requires 5 sets of 380
    amp wire.

    The user will pick the desired ampacity from a pull down (in this
    example1900) and the routine will return "5" and "380" as text values to
    concatenate in a string along with selections from two other combo boxes (#
    of Poles and type of Neutral).

    imagine these are combo boxes:

    | # Poles | | Ampacity | | Neutral |
    1P 30 None
    2P 310 Single
    * 3P* *1900* * Double*

    If the users selects the items noted with *item*, the string returned will

    pkirill, Jan 26, 2005
  15. pkirill

    Oberer Guest

    Glad you were able to get the help you're after.

    If you've managed to dig in this far, you'd do yourself a favor by learning some basic DAO and table skills. At the moment, you have 55 choices. What if you suddenly need to deal with 500+?

    Sounds like what you have is working just fine for you now, enjoy :)
    Oberer, Jan 27, 2005
  16. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    What if you suddenly need to deal with 500+?

    I know! That was my original fear, but it was whittled down to a mere 55. I
    had hoped to get educated in the finer points before I had to produce this
    little tool. I didn't all the way there but I am much farther along thanks
    to you guys...
    pkirill, Jan 28, 2005
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