Mass Property

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Damian, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Damian

    Damian Guest

    Is there a way to get the numerical value of Mass in my Excel design table.
    I can only get the linking syntax to show up in the Excel table
    eg:SW-Mass@Standard Wall Panels.SLDPRT but i'm chasing the value of 30kg.

    Couray Sheetmetal
    9 Apsley Plc.
    PH 03 97861609

    Damian, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Damian

    Merry Owen Guest


    It looks like you are missing the configuration indicator. e.g.
    SW-Mass@@Default@Standard Wall Panels.SLDPRT

    If you are doing a design table and want each config. pick up the mass you
    need to add three quotation marks at the start & the end of the above
    statement - this allows excel to insert this into its cell with a single
    quotation mark at each end.
    e.g."""SW-Mass@@Default@Part Name.SLDPRT"""


    Merry :)
    Perth, WA
    Merry Owen, Feb 11, 2004
  3. Damian

    Damian Guest

    But this still only give me a number value in my properties but i wont that
    number to be in my excel sheet.
    If i have a custom property linked to feature dim then i can get the
    numerical value.
    Damian, Feb 11, 2004
  4. Damian

    Merry Owen Guest

    Sorry, it looks like I misinterpreted your question as I cannot see a real
    use for having the numerical figure in the design table (so long as the mass
    shows correctly in the BOM or drawing sheet).

    I have never tried to do it so I have no idea if it can be done.

    Merry :)

    Merry Owen, Feb 11, 2004
  5. Damian

    Damian Guest

    Reason that i need this is i have quite a few sheets in my design table
    full of data that is coming from sheet 1. These sheets are linked to a
    database(Access) in wich we can build kits of the goods that we make. Weight
    is just another piece of data that we use. Anyway i shall keep trying
    Thanks Damian
    Damian, Feb 12, 2004
  6. Logically, the mass is a RESULT of a design table : the design table
    specifies dimensions and suppression states, then SW creates a body from
    this and the mass is obtained. So you logically cannot put the mass back in
    the design table.

    If you want to get the mass in Excel, you could generate a BOM (of a dummy
    assembly containing 1 sample of each part you want to track) with a mass

    Another approach could be to export your model in XML with the tools
    available on, then write a small XSLT to generate a file with
    all the values you want to read in Excel.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Feb 12, 2004
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