Mass property from a drawing macros

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. I have put a couple more macros on the KCSWUG website and here is a link to

    They both perform a function that I think should be standard, and that is to
    retrieve the mass value of the model in a drawing view. The current method
    is usually RMB on a drawing view to open the model, go to the correct
    configuration, ask for the mass properties, write down or remember the
    value, close that box, go back to the drawing, double-click a note (in our
    case in a block) in the drawing, highlight the value portion, and type in
    the number - if you remember it.

    Now it's a bit simpler. Select the proper drawing view. (If you don't, it
    will tell you to pick a view first.) Then run the macro. For simplicity, I
    have assigned mine to <SHIFT>W hotkey as we haven't already used it for
    anything, and "W" can stand for "Weight." (Slick, eh?) Or, you can assign it
    to a button on the macro toolbar.

    Either way, run the macro. The program looks at the referenced model in the
    selected view, opens the proper configuration, and gets the mass properties.
    It will then put a box up on your screen that gives you 3 choices to copy to
    the clipboard - the English value (default), the Metric value, or the mass
    property string.

    Be careful with using the property string because the metric/English units
    and the display precision are controlled by the referenced model, not the
    drawing. This can lead to lots of decimal places being displayed in the
    drawing note where we typically only use one place. It can also display an
    incorrectly interpreted value if the part/assy display property is set to
    metric and the drawing is English. There may be a way around this, however,
    and I will continue to work on it as I get time. I think it's worth pursuing
    as then the weight value displayed in the drawing would update as the model

    Now the second macro. On our drawings, we have a block (called PTL) that
    contains a note with the weight value in it, and this macro will put the
    selected mass value in the selected block.

    You can select any number of objects (notes, faces, views, blocks, etc.) in
    any order. But when you run the macro, if you haven't selected at least one
    drawing view, it will tell you that you need to have a drawing view
    selected. It goes through all the objects that you have selected and finds
    the first drawing view in your selection order. It goes to that model and
    that configuration, gets the mass value, and comes back with the values in a
    form. If, during your selection process, you also grabbed a PTL note (or any
    other note with a tag name of "Weight") then the program will find the first
    selected one and insert your chosen value into it. That simple. Free for the

    As always, comments are welcome.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 1, 2004
  2. I'm sorry for not understanding, but you can do this already
    with a config specific property. What am I missing?

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Sep 1, 2004
  3. The macro automates the process of retrieving the mass of the specific
    config in the drawing view. It presents you with the choice of the
    property, the English value, or the metric value, and copies the selected
    one to the clipboard. To get a better idea of what it does, open a drawing,
    click on a view and run the macro.

    Also, as I mentioned in the message, the property is somewhat limited in its
    usage in that the display properties of it are controlled by the referenced
    model, not the drawing in which it is displayed.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 1, 2004
  4. I just add mass to the model templates..and create a link into the drawing
    Markku Lehtola, Sep 2, 2004
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