Mass properties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Krister L, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Hi Folks

    I have a problem here with mass properties on edited SW materials. I have a
    part template with material density set to 0.0078g/mm³ (stainless steel). In
    some of these parts I added the SW material to get the real view graphic
    display. I then regret this and removed that material without checking what
    happened to the mass properties. If I now go back and have a look it's set
    to 0.001g/mm³ (water) and I can't change it. My changes in the document
    properties will not be accepted.
    Is there anybody who has an idea about what to do? I normally use DbWorks to
    set my materials and densities, but this one act just the same with DbW

    SW Office 2005 Sp 0.1
    Krister L, Jan 7, 2005
  2. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    This seems to be a bug (or something is changed which I messed) in SW 2005,
    I just tried it on another computer in SW2004 and there it works, I can edit
    the density in doc props after removing SW material, but opening the same
    part again in SW 2005 Sp0.1 and do the same manoeuvre locks the density to 1

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 7, 2005
  3. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Bug verified and sent to SW for fix

    /Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 7, 2005
  4. I thought I was going crazy as I thought I had already run into this one.
    So, I went back through my emails and found where I had submitted it to my
    VAR on 9/16/04, but I don't think it made it to SW as I never did find a
    reply. So, at least it's now in. Did you get an SPR number on it?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 7, 2005
  5. Krister L

    CS Guest

    I think this had been discussed before. I don't remember exactly when but
    within the last few months.

    CS, Jan 7, 2005
  6. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Nope, but got an answer from SW people here in Sweden later on today that it
    should be fixed in Sp 1.0

    / Krister
    Krister L, Jan 7, 2005
  7. Krister L

    Merry Owen Guest

    I had this problem ages ago and reported it to my Var - he had no problems
    as he changed the material properties using the material editor in the
    Feature Manager, whilst I was trying to edit it using the document options
    or with the mass properties options button.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Jan 8, 2005
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