Mass Properties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KWSchneider, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. KWSchneider

    KWSchneider Guest

    Probably easy answer but...

    How do I display 0 digit precision on a drawing for weight [through
    $PRP] and yet maintain 2digit accuracy for measurements, etc.

    Right now I am forcing measurements to 0 digits [to get mass to 0
    digits], resulting in no accuracy for real measurements.

    NH, USA
    KWSchneider, Sep 19, 2004
  2. The mass property will display in the precision of the model as I understand
    it. The precision of the drawing controls the local dimensions.

    The string to get the mass property is as follows.

    "SW-Mass@$PRPSHEET:"SW-File Name".SLDPRT"
    for a part file and
    "SW-Mass@$PRPSHEET:"SW-File Name".SLDASM"
    for an assembly

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 20, 2004
  3. FLASH!!!! With SW2005, you can now control the display precision of the
    mass properties separately from dimensions, etc. Go to
    Tools/Options/Document Properties/Density units. If you have a note tied to
    the property and you change the decimal places, you have to rebuild to have
    the note pick it up.


    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 20, 2004
  4. That solved all your problems from a few weeks ago didn't it Wayne.


    Corey Scheich, Sep 20, 2004
  5. Interesting that you would remember that. I found it last week and
    immediately recognized that it should allow the display of the mass property
    value to be controlled. And, yes, I think it does make the use of the
    property possible now. I haven't had time to really work out the code &
    everything, but it looks quite hopeful.


    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 20, 2004
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