Mark Biasotti on Wildfire vs. SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Steiger, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. Here's a nicely done comparison of Wildfire and SolidWorks as ID tools,
    based on Mark Biasotti's input:

    I was a little surprised by the comparison of Pro/E's Boundary Surface with
    SW's Loft with Guide Curves, since Fill Surfaces weren't mentioned. Either
    I'm missing something or the writer misinterpreted Mark. I suspect it's the
    former and would love to here what I missed.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 28, 2003
  2. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    From just the free part of this article:

    "SolidWorks can't assign tangency or C2 matching at curve endpoints."

    "Although SolidWorks enables adjacent lofted surfaces to be tangent,
    it can't assure continuous curvature (C2) between two surfaces"

    "Unfortunately SolidWorks can't connect 3dsketch splines end-to-end
    with continuous curvature."

    "Unfortunately, SolidWorks can't make guide curves tangent or C2
    continuous with adjacent surfaces"

    After reading this why even pay for the rest as ISDX II
    is not even covered in the free part of this article ???

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  3. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    Hey, jerry.. the link is broken. Can you copy and paste it here?

    Works fine for me.

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  4. Jerry Steiger

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Hey, jerry.. the link is broken. Can you copy and paste it here?
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    I have already gotten a few e-mails asking for an explanation of what
    C2 surfacing is and what the hell is it needed for. :>)

    I like this simple definition:

    "Surfaces are classified in three different ways: C0, C1 and C2 according to
    the degree of contin-uity (smoothness) of the surface.

    A C0 surface has one or more breaks in its continuity. A break in continuity
    of a surface is an abrupt change in surface direction. For example two flat
    sheets of metal joined at right angles have an abrupt change in continuity
    at the right angle. They form a C0 surface.

    A C1 surface has one or more changes in curvature that could cause serious
    problems to the cutter of a machine tool. For example, the cutter could
    gouge into the metal surface when the curvature changes. You might ask what'
    s the difference then between a C0 and a C1 surface. Well, a C0 surface has
    no tangency at the discontinuity, whereas a C1 surface does have tangency.
    For example, a C1 surface could be made by joining a flat sheet of metal to
    a curved sheet of metal, such that the flat and the curve are tangential
    across the joint. Gouging can still occur where the sheets join, especially
    if the curvature is too much for the machine tool.

    C2 surfaces are, as you have probably guessed, the bee's knees. C2 surfaces
    have continuous curvature."

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  6. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    As explained by Joe Greco:

    "C0, C1 and C2 Surface Conditions

    Generally, there are three kinds of boundary
    conditions in a surface model. C0 refers to surfaces
    that are just touching but could potentially have a
    shape corner or crease; possible manufacturing
    problems can result. C1 refers to a tangent (smooth)
    condition, and C2 to a consistent continuous tangent
    curvature. With C2, the boundary is imperceptible to
    the eye-you can't see were one surface begins and
    where on ends."

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  7. Jerry Steiger

    P Guest

    P, Oct 29, 2003
  8. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    "Coincidently, I just signed up for the free month trial a
    week ago and was able to enjoy the entire article."

    Hmmm.... seems like a good idea. However, if you don't
    mind, I'm going to skip ALL the Alan Christman CIMDATA "CAM
    reviews" that companies have to *pay* to have done. Pretty sad state
    of affairs that scam is and it has been frequently discussed on

    One gets much better CAD/CAM advise on alt.machines.cnc or
    at for free !

    I wonder if Solidworks deform feature is compared to Pro/E
    Wildfire ? If it is, that should be an very interesting
    comparison !

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  9. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    "SolidWorks' Deform is immature and often can't achieve the
    desired results. For example, if a designer tries to deform
    a SolidWorks model too much, the feature will fail,
    producing an error message. Sometimes deformations fail even
    when the graphic preview suggests they should work."

    Might be interesting to discuss the reasons behind *why*
    Mark Biasotti did this review. :>)

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  10. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    I should add that Alan Christman of CIMDATA use to work for
    Control Data which was the parent company for ICEM. Alan
    Christman use to be a fairly sharp guy but his knowledge in
    recent years has not kept up and lately he seems to really
    have "sold out". At one point, you could get some useful
    info out of what he wrote. I find very little of use these

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  11. Jerry Steiger

    MM Guest


    Cadcamnet is the web site for Steven Wolf's stuff "Computer Aided Design
    Report". It's probably the "only" non biased publication of it's kind. It's
    not affiliated with CIMDATA or any other similar organization.


    MM, Oct 29, 2003

  12. I did copy and paste it. Did word wrap mess it up on your reader? If not, I
    don't know what the problem is.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 29, 2003
  13. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    Hi Mark,

    "Cadcamnet is the web site for Steven Wolf's stuff
    "Computer Aided Design Report". It's probably the "only"
    non biased publication of it's kind. It's not affiliated
    with CIMDATA or any other similar organization."

    If you follow this link you will see that cadcamnet has a
    whole bunch of reports done by CIMDATA :

    I think the idea is to broaden their appeal.

    As for Steven Wolf's stuff:

    I use to read his Computer Aided Design Report years ago. I
    agree it and he were excellent. I always enjoyed how they
    ripped PTC to shreds for many of their practices. I also
    remember how favorably they treated SolidWorks as a viable
    alternative and supported SolidWorks when IMO SolidWorks
    Corp. deserved to be supported. They were also very honest
    in describing the constant BS from Autodesk.

    I have an opinion on why Mark Biasotti helped / basically
    wrote this comparison and I hope it does some good. I don't
    feel, however, that this comparison will get properly
    discussed and analyzed in this newsgroup... which IMO is
    very unfortunate.

    jon banquer, Oct 30, 2003
  14. Jerry Steiger

    jon banquer Guest

    Thanks Mark B. for sharing this info!

    Yes, but the real question now for you to decide is:

    How can the body of the powerful "Mach 5" be CNC machined to
    "Pops" satisfaction without the needed C2 tangency and
    curvature continuous surfacing tools being in SolidWorks ???

    How will your client, "Pops" and his driver "Speed" feel
    when Racer X shop is using a seamless, unified, hybrid
    modeler that can get the job done ??? I would not want to be
    in your shoes bro when "Pops" stuffs you in the trunk with
    "Spridle" and "Chim-chim". ;>)

    Your probably not going to be in favor with "Trixie" either,
    dude. :>)

    The next episode featuring Racer X taking the long deserved
    glory and win (Lets face it Rex always got the shaft just
    cause he did not take any crap from "Pops"... what a
    dysfunctional family. :>) ) will probably rub it in when you
    see the seamless, unified, hybrid modeling VX Vision sponsor
    sticker on the Racer X car. No doubt, in the background will
    be all the fans cheering madly for Racer X.

    The moral of our story:

    You can't win when you don't have the proper seamless, unified,
    hybrid modeling tools to get the job done.

    jon banquer, Oct 30, 2003
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