Dale, One unexpected result is that several have submitted more than one solution. I have my own solutions that are different (and not as good as) some of you. Since some are having fun with two or three solutions, why not allow more than one? Just take time for your family and all that. The number of solutions so far are certainly adding to the art and science of modeling. Now as for the vary the edge part I had the thought that one property of the truncated icosahedron is that all the edges are equal in length. But they don't have to be. Granted it wouldn't be a proper Archimedian solid, but it would be real world. One of the things you find in the literature is a connectivity graph between vertices and edges. Imagine that the restriction of having equal length edges were lifted, but not the connectivity requirement. Let's say that next month's challenge might be creating a solid of this type (though not necessarily this one) with the abillity to vary individual edge lengths by say +/-10%. I've had some thoughts on how to get there, but I'll keep them to myself.