MapCalcGeodeticDistance, doest it exist in Acad Map 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Wael Bakr, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. Wael Bakr

    Wael Bakr Guest


    I'm trying to write a program to measure Geodetic distance from AutoCAD Map
    7 under Acad 2004.
    In the help, there is a method called: "MapCalcGeodeticDistance", but it
    doesn't exist in any include file and it's not recognized to the compiler
    although I enabled the Map features.

    Any help how can I use this function as I'm waiting for it since Acad Map 5
    when it was added in the help files but did not exist in ARX or as an API.

    Your help will be deeply appreciated
    Best regards

    Wael Bakr
    Wael Bakr, Sep 13, 2003
  2. Wael Bakr

    Adam Davis Guest


    I sse from your website that you are a member of ADN. There are tools
    available there to accomplish the functionality you need.

    Hope this helps,

    Adam Davis
    Wish Software Limited
    5 Biggar Road
    EH26 9LQ
    tel: +44 (0)1968 670 899
    fax: +44 (0)870 052 9362
    Adam Davis, Sep 15, 2003
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