Manual routing in Cadance

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Lakshman, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Lakshman

    Lakshman Guest


    I am doing a cutsom layout.
    I am using leHiCreatePath() command to route in metals. Whenever I
    want to go to next metal with a contact, I use F3 and change in the
    form. This will place a contact and LSW will switch to new layer.

    Is there a skill routine which will allow you to assign bind keys to
    switch between layers, so that tedious process of F3 and form can be

    Basically I am looking for a manual router.

    Lakshman, Dec 14, 2008
  2. Lakshman

    Bernd Paysan Guest

    I'm looking for that, too. I'd prefer to assign mouse wheel events (roll
    up/down) to it.
    Bernd Paysan, Dec 15, 2008
  3. Lakshman

    cmosdesign Guest

    try a <Ctrl> <right mouse click> when drawing the path,
    also the create wire command in virtuoso XL can be helpful
    cmosdesign, Dec 15, 2008
  4. Hi,

    I am working in a Analog group as well and have been struggling with
    the same, I wished to create some productivity improvements to manual
    routing. I have had some success, although I wish my solution was
    more elegant but I thought I would share anyways. I hope it is of
    some help and of course if you have a better way I would very much
    like to know.

    So, here goes. The technology file I am working on has three metal
    layers. M1, M2 and M3. First I made the "rec" or recover files,
    but in hindsight it would make more sense to call them .replay files
    (Intel tools call them recover files, cadence replay. I am new to
    Cadence tools). Anyways here they are....

    m1trans.rec file contains:
    \a le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(79693202 102 26 "metal1

    m2trans.rec file:
    \a le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(79693204 102 26 "metal2

    m3trans.rec file:
    \a le0PathForm->changePathLayer->value = '(79693206 102 26 "metal3

    Next step I made skill code that when I hit key "2" I would transition
    from m1 to m2(via1), etc...


    hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
    list("1" "m1trans()");
    list("2" "m2trans()");
    list("3" "m3trans()");

    I called this file, so after this is created.....load("/
    yourpath/") in te CIW.


    One other thing I did, but isn't really necessary is I made some
    "bias" code. Instead of starting create path command, I set up code
    in which if I press ctrl 1 the path command starts biased to metal 1.

    \a leiMouseSetEntryLayer(7)
    \a leHiCreatePath()
    ;\a le0PathForm->pathWidth->value = 6.0 This will auto fill in
    your width(6u) in the Create Path form if you wish
    ;\a le0PathForm->fixedWidthPaths->value = t This will make it
    "sticky" across all the metals for the width
    \a leiMouseSetEntryLayer(9)
    \a leHiCreatePath()
    ;\a le0PathForm->pathWidth->value = 6.0
    ;\a le0PathForm->fixedWidthPaths->value = t
    \a leiMouseSetEntryLayer(11)
    \a leHiCreatePath()
    ;\a le0PathForm->pathWidth->value = 6.0
    ;\a le0PathForm->fixedWidthPaths->value = t


    hiSetBindKeys( "Layout" list(
    list("Ctrl<Key>1" "m1bias()");
    list("Ctrl<Key>2" "m2bias()");
    list("Ctrl<Key>3" "m3bias()");

    So, to "bias" hit Ctrl 1(2 or 3) to "transition" hit 2 to transition
    to metal2 from m3. M2 to M1 press 1.

    Hope that helps and please let me know if there is an easier way. I
    also would like to get rid of the "replay" files, so if somebody knows
    a better way to manipulate gui forms please share!

    Happy Holidays!
    Eric Fitzsimmons
    IC Layout Designer
    eric.d.fitzsimmons, Dec 16, 2008
  5. Lakshman

    Collin Guest

    The following code was supplied by Cadence Customer Support and worked
    quite well for me.


    Group Custom IC, Cadence Design Systems
    Language SKILL
    Revision No. 1.1
    Date Created Apr 04, 2006
    Last Modified
    Tested in IC5141
    Lint score 100 (best is 100)

    The following code defines three functions that are designed to be
    called during the "Create Path" command in the layout editor. The
    entry functions are CCSlayerUp() and CCSlayerDown() which in turn
    call the CCSchangePathLayer() function.

    The default bindkey for the Ctrl-RMB (Control and the Right Mouse
    Button combination) key sequence is the function cmdCtrlOption(),
    which is intended to change the entry layer during the "create path"
    command - it does so but typically only in one direction, down.

    The CCSlayerUp() and CCSlayerDown() functions are assigned to the
    Ctrl-MMB (Middle Mouse Button) and Ctrl-RMB respectively and are
    intended to replace the above default functionality.

    The function that actually does the work is CCSchangePathLayer(),
    this accepts three arguments to control the direction ("up" or
    "down"), the limit in each direction (e.g. "poly" or "metal5"),
    and the verbosity of the command ('t' is silent, the default is
    'nil' which gives information messages).


    ;; the CCSlayerUp() and CCSlayerDown() commands are intended
    ;; to be assigned to bindkeys and should supply the arguments
    ;; "topLayer"/"bottomLayer" and "silent" to be passed to the
    ;; CCSchangePathLayer() command
    ;; The example below assumes a 3-layer metal process with
    ;; the "poly1" layer being the bottom-most interconnect and
    ;; the "M3" layer being the top-most metal layer.
    list("Ctrl<Btn2Down>" nil "CCSlayerUp(\"M3\")")
    list("Ctrl<Btn3Down>" nil "CCSlayerDown(\"poly1\")")

    NOTE: Depending upon how the layers have been set up in the
    techfile, the code may not behave as described; special conditions
    may need to be catered for if they are particular to your process.


    SCCS Info: @(#) 04/05/06.17:19:06 1.1

    * DISCLAIMER: The following code is provided for Cadence customers *
    * to use at their own risk. The code may require modification to *
    * satisfy the requirements of any user. The code and any *
    * modifications to the code may not be compatible with current or *
    * future versions of Cadence products. *


    * *
    * CCSlayerUp([t_topLayer | nil] [g_silent]) *
    * This procedure calls the CCSchangePathLayer function if the *
    * current command is the Path command. The "topLayer" and *
    * "silent" arguments are passed through without being checked *
    * *
    procedure(CCSlayerUp(@optional topLayer silent)
    let( ((wid hiGetCurrentWindow()))
    when(wid && hiGetCurrentCmd(wid)=="Path"
    CCSchangePathLayer("up" topLayer silent)
    ); when
    ); let
    ); procedure CCSlayerUp

    * *
    * CCSlayerDown([t_bottomLayer | nil] [g_silent]) *
    * This procedure calls the CCSchangePathLayer function if the *
    * current command is the Path command. The "bottomLayer" and *
    * "silent" arguments are passed through without being checked *
    * *
    procedure(CCSlayerDown(@optional bottomLayer silent)
    let( ((wid hiGetCurrentWindow()))
    when(wid && hiGetCurrentCmd(wid)=="Path"
    CCSchangePathLayer("down" bottomLayer silent)
    ); when
    ); let
    ); procedure CCSlayerDown

    * *
    * CCSchangePathLayer( *
    * [t_direction] *
    * [t_limit | nil] *
    * [g_silent] *
    * ) *
    * This procedure is designed to be called during the Create *
    * Path enterfunction. The direction argument controls whether *
    * the layer is changed up or down, "up" or "down" are valid *
    * values. The limit argument specifies the top layer name as *
    * a limit in the up direction or the bottom layer name as the *
    * limit in the down direction, this information is needed to *
    * cope with the top or bottom layer conditions when the Change *
    * To Layer field typically contains only 2 entries. The silent *
    * argument controls whether information messages are output to *
    * the CIW while changing the path layer, 't' turns them off. *
    * *
    procedure(CCSchangePathLayer(@optional (direction "down")
    limit silent "tgg")
    let( (form pathLayers)
    when(and( form = hiGetCurrentForm()
    pathLayers = form->changePathLayer->choices
    ;; if the change layer direction is 'down' and as long as
    ;; there are at least three choices, choose the second
    ;; layer which should be one layer down from current
    (and(direction=="down" length(pathLayers)>=3)
    form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
    direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
    ); unless
    ;; if the change layer direction is 'up' and as long as
    ;; there are at least three choices, then select the third
    ;; choice which should be one layer up from current
    (and(direction=="up" length(pathLayers)>=3)
    form->changePathLayer->value = caddr(pathLayers)
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
    direction cadddr(caddr(pathLayers)))
    ); unless
    ;; if there are two choices and we are changing up choose
    ;; the second layer which should be one layer up from current
    (and(direction=="up" length(pathLayers)==2)
    car(parseString(cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value)))) then
    form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
    direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
    ); unless
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n"
    direction cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value))
    ); unless
    ); if
    ;; if there are two choices and we are changing down choose
    ;; the second layer which should be one layer down from current
    (and(direction=="down" length(pathLayers)==2)
    car(parseString(cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value)))) then
    form->changePathLayer->value = cadr(pathLayers)
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("changed layer %s to %s\n"
    direction cadddr(cadr(pathLayers)))
    ); unless
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n"
    direction cadddr(form->changePathLayer->value))
    ); unless
    ); if
    ;; for any other condition don't do anything
    ;; unless the silent flag is 't' print a message
    printf("could not change layer %s from %s\n" direction
    ); unless
    ); cond
    ); when
    ); let
    ); procedure CCSchangePathLayer

    ;; create bindkeys for the middle and right mouse buttons in
    ;; combination with the Control key, Ctrl-Middle changes up a
    ;; layer, Ctrl-Right changes down a layer. For silent operation
    ;; add a 't' after the top/bottom layer name in the function call
    ;; to CCSlayerUp() or CCSlayerDown()
    list("Ctrl<Btn2Down>" nil "CCSlayerUp(\"M11\")")
    ;; Button 3 is currently down, keeping for compatibility
    list("Ctrl<Btn3Down>" nil "CCSlayerDown(\"PC\")")
    Collin, Dec 16, 2008
  6. Hi Colin,

    You had explained about ChangePathLayer while creating "createPath". I
    have a doubt regarding an option called change To Layer in
    "createPath" funtion. If you use CreatePath and change layer in LSW,
    Change To Layer field will be getting updated to the layer you have
    selected. How LSW is synchronised with Change To Field.

    Thanks in advance
    sudhasubramaniam, Feb 9, 2009
  7. This is using the standard create path command. It changes the routing layer on
    the options form for that command, and in turn that sets the entry layer in the LSW.

    It is not done the other way around - although there are some triggers in this
    internal code which do update the information about the routing based on the
    entry layer.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 9, 2009
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