managing title block automatically

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kaheksajalg, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. kaheksajalg

    kaheksajalg Guest

    I need to do a program with VBA (AutoCAD 2007) which inserts Layout's
    number into titleblock. This means that I have a beginning number one
    and program automatically counts how many layouts are in this drawing
    (it's done) and then puts right number into right title block in this
    drawing (it means that in the "Layout1" 's titleblock has a number 1
    and so on). Point is that if you aldready have been inserted right
    numbers into title blocks (manually) and then add one layout to
    somewhere, then you have to renumber all layouts manually. but there
    are 40 layouts!
    Program needs to manage all title blocks together (I guess this is
    already done:)), but I don't know how to but different numbers into
    different title blocks (I can put one number into all title blocks
    together). What should I use? array? selection set?
    Used attribute is called "Leht"
    I have tried to do this many months already and I really don't know
    what should I do. Please help!
    Thank you!
    kaheksajalg, Jun 5, 2006
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