managing text in dimensions

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brian White, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Brian White

    Brian White Guest

    How does the text style manager work in relation to the dimension style
    manager 'text' tab? It would be logical to me if they worked as follows:
    1. you create a text style in text style manager with a given font and font
    2. You go to the dimension style magager
    3. modify a given dimension style (for instance let it be the standard
    default style)
    4. go to the text tab and choose the text style you created in step 1.
    5. that should be all you have to do.

    If your dimension you created, whether it be a leader, a linear dim, or
    whatever, uses that dimension style (with the chosen text style in the text
    tab), it will have the text font and size you created in the text style

    Anyone know how it works, because this does not seem to be the case..

    Brian White
    Brian White, Sep 2, 2005
  2. Brian White

    S. Scalise Guest

    Since you did not explain what did not work in the manner you expected my
    response may not apply.
    If you give your text style a size/height such as 9" or 228mm, the dimension
    text will be that specified size. If you expect the text to be sized
    proportional to the scale you are using then the text size must be set to 0
    S. Scalise, Sep 2, 2005
  3. Brian White

    Brian White Guest

    What scale are you talking about?
    Brian White, Sep 3, 2005
  4. Brian White

    S. Scalise Guest

    The dimension scale.

    S. Scalise, Sep 3, 2005
  5. Brian White

    Brian White Guest

    OK; I think I got it:
    So the Text style manager is like an override for any text based operation
    you perform next (unless it's size is set to 0), Whether it be text in a
    quick leader, or Multi line text or whatever.

    Brian White, Sep 3, 2005
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