Managing revisions in parts with configurations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P., Mar 10, 2005.

  1. P.

    P. Guest

    What do the folks do to manage revisions in parts with configurations?
    For example:

    Scenario 1

    Part A contains:


    001 in Part A is revised from rev. 0 to rev. 1

    Perhaps these configurations are driven by a design table. So any
    changes would be minor and of a dimension change nature.

    PDMWorks would want to save Part A as rev 1, but that is not really
    true because it is 001 within Part A that has been revised, not
    002,003, etc.

    Scenario 2

    Part A contains:


    001 in Part A is revised from rev. 0 to rev. 1

    Part A is a structural shape and 001 is a set of holes made in it. The
    number and location of the holes is change in rev. 1 of 001. Nothing is
    changed in the other part configurations.

    Any thoughts?
    P., Mar 10, 2005
  2. P.

    Michael Guest

    It's precisely because of this dilemma that we do not use configurations for
    released assemblies... We tried it for a couple years, and never could come
    up with a revision system that wasn't a disaster.

    We still use configs at the design stage, but break out the individual
    assemblies at release. It feels like a giant waste, but we find that it
    significantly improves our document control process. An additional bonus is
    that the models are much more stable when they're configuration-free
    Michael, Mar 10, 2005
  3. In our situation, we control revisions to the public only on the drawings.
    Internally, the models & drawings are tracked in our PDM Conisio. This way
    if I want to go back and get an older version of an assy, it pulls the
    proper current & older parts versions to go into it. So, we don't really
    have revision control on the models in the standard sense.

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 10, 2005
  4. P.

    Len K. Mar Guest


    I use DBWorks which manages configurations pretty good.
    DBWorks has a configuration property called "CONFIGURATION_REV".
    This model property is placed in the SW drawing revision block.
    The secret is to ignore the file revision and concentrate on the
    configuration revision.

    Using this methodology and your example:
    Len K. Mar, Mar 11, 2005
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