Making Holes match ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Something funny is happening to me. I have a case with a lid on it and when
    trying to make the hole in the lid to mount to the case I can't get the hole
    in the case to show, I want the lid hole to reference the case holes.
    The case is a weldment which is then machined, so I have two configurations,
    my weldment and the other is machined. The machined config is basically the
    weldment with all Machining opts done on it. I try an do all my face
    milling, taping and line boaring in the assembly not the specific part of
    the weldment. I created the lid in the assembly and when I try to make the
    holes and follow the liner pattern it won't show the liner pattern that was
    created in the assembly. If I make a linear pattern in the lid part I can't
    select the holes that I don't want?
    What is going on? What am I missing?

    Nathan Feculak, Jan 30, 2004
  2. I found a work around for my problem but I would still like to know what I
    was doing wrong.
    Nathan Feculak, Jan 30, 2004
  3. Are the holes in the case produced as a master and then a pattern? If so,
    can you see the master hole in the case? Can you then do the same in the
    lid by making the master hole, defined from the case master, and then use
    the other pattern off the other one?

    If the holes are discreet, you should be able to show the sketches (make
    sure your master "show sketches" is turned on) and then lock to those.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 30, 2004
  4. Yes I am using the master then pattern. I can see the master hole but not
    the pattern when I have the Lid open and editing the part. What do you mean
    by "defined from the case master" How do I use
    the other pattern off the other one?
    Nathan Feculak, Jan 30, 2004
  5. I think the problem you are running into has to do with adding the holes at
    the assembly level. If you want the holes to show up in a detail of the
    part you have to hit the edit part button and add your sketch and cut
    extrude from the assembly. This will add the holes at the partlevel, yet
    they will still reference the assembly. If you add holes at the assembly
    level with out hitting the edit part tool you are essencially doing a cut
    operation after assembly which is why they don't show up at the part level.

    Clear as mud?

    Corey Scheich, Jan 30, 2004
  6. I don't think he wants them in the part level - they are machined into a

    If he edits the lid in-context of the assy, and the holes have been put into
    the assy, I would think they would show up and be usable.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 30, 2004
  7. When you put in a feature pattern, such as a pattern of holes, you can later
    use that to put in bolts. When inserting a pattern for the bolts, choose
    the derived option, rather than defining your own. That way as the holes
    change, so will the bolts.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 30, 2004
  8. Nathan Feculak

    TheTick Guest

    Try putting the master hole-driving geometry at the
    top-assembly-level. Then drive the holes off each component from the
    geometry on the top level.

    If the holes on your weldment are assembly cuts, they may be getting
    lost at the next level up.
    TheTick, Jan 30, 2004
  9. Nathan Feculak

    Merry Owen Guest

    If you want to add the holes at the assembly level, yet have them appear at
    the part level, you can use the hole wizard and select from the 'Hole
    Series' tab.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Jan 31, 2004
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