Making file sizes smaller ??

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jake Barron, Aug 31, 2003.

  1. Jake Barron

    Jake Barron Guest

    I have some Cummins and Deutz engines in assy format and they are quite
    large, I tried to save them into a prt. format to try and save space, but it
    didnt seem to help at all. Im not so much concerned with the size of the
    file itself, but rather the performanbce of rotating, zooming, ect, when the
    engine is in the model. Wheneven possible, I surpress the engine and get
    around the model just fime. But it is impractical to leave it surpressed all
    the time since I have to check for interference, fits, ect with other
    components. Is there some way to save this assy and have it small so it
    will not effect performance so much.. Maybe some type of file compression
    that saves only the outer features that are actually visible ?? Once I get
    the engine model into the motormounts, there is nothing I will ever have to
    change on th motor itself, so there is no problems with not being able to
    modify it later on....Thanks in advance. Jake Barron
    Jake Barron, Aug 31, 2003
  2. Jake Barron

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    What is your computers configuration, Graphics, RAM etc?
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 1, 2003
  3. Jake Barron

    Krister L Guest

    Hi Jake

    You could also try enable the setting "tools options general performance
    suppressed..I am rotating quite big assys without problems this way...5000+
    components moves likes nothing


    Jake Barron <> skrev i
    Krister L, Sep 1, 2003
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