Make detail sheet automaticly

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by A-Design, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. A-Design

    A-Design Guest

    I need some ideas regarding to make a VBA that can make detail sheets.
    I have several XREFs contain architectural and structural details, each
    detail can be specified by two numbers (column and row)
    I am thinking to make a FORM in AutoCAD like the detail sheet that I am
    using on my projects, now by writing the detail's number in this form,VBA
    make the detail sheet automatically (instead of copy and paste the details
    one by one).

    Is this possible ? Can you please give me your opinions on this idea?

    A-Design, Nov 23, 2004
  2. Of course it is possible. All you have to do is make a relationship between
    your row/column reference and the path/filename of the drawing you want to
    XREF. Sounds like a job for a database. Read the references from the DB
    into a multi-select listbox on the form, let the user select the ones they
    want, then go find them on disk and insert them. You'll need to figure out
    an insertion point.
    John Goodfellow, Nov 24, 2004
  3. A-Design

    A-Design Guest


    Thanks for your answer,
    But the problem is that the details are not in individual files (blocks)
    they are all in a "8" huge files in a matrix (one file for Roof one for
    Floor one for Steel &...ETC.) ,each column and row (Detail) specified by a
    number on this matrix.
    Now what do you think about defining the insertion points?
    I think I need to ask NEO to come and solve this matrix problem!.

    Thank you
    A-Design, Nov 24, 2004
  4. I have addressed similar issues in the past (circa R9). Usually by
    attaching uniquely named XData to a simple entity within the structure of
    interest, then scanning for that name when I needed to use that structure.
    In your case, you might enclose each detail in a xdata named LWPolyline and
    tag each insertion point with a xdata named Point entity. The xdata
    coresponds to your matrix location. When you need the detail, find the
    LWPolyline by its xdata, select everything enclosed by it, and do something
    with the selected entities. A database would probably still be helpful to
    hold the detail's matrix/description relationship.

    Of course, the cleaner long term approach is to rethink the way you are
    storing the details.
    John Goodfellow, Nov 25, 2004
  5. A-Design

    TomD Guest

    I'd have to agree with this comment.

    I'm hoping to address this very issue here, in the near future. My thinking
    is more along the database line, likely having an individual DWG file for
    each detail, with a database to record info such as title, description, DWG
    file name, etc.

    FWIW, of course.
    TomD, Nov 29, 2004
  6. A-Design

    A-Design Guest

    Thanks for all replies.

    A-Design, Dec 3, 2004
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