Make Assembly Part Unique

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris W, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. Chris W

    Chris W Guest

    I am coming from a background in SDRC I-Deas and with that software if
    you had two instances of part X and you decided you needed to make one
    of the 2 X parts a different part, you use a command called "Make
    Unique". You would then give the part a new name, say Y, and then
    instead of having 2 X parts you would have a part X and an identical
    part Y. You could then open part Y and make the chages you needed to.
    Doing a Save as Copy isn't really what I want because I would then have
    to remove one instance of part X and then bring in part Y and redo the
    constraints, that is exactly what I am trying to avoid.

    Chris W
    Chris W, Feb 26, 2004
  2. Chris W

    Arlin Guest

    I am coming from a background in SDRC I-Deas and with that software if
    Go ahead and do a Save As Copy.
    Now you have 2 parts, X and Y
    Your assembly still has 2 X.
    Then, in your assembly, do a replace on one of the X parts to replace it
    with Y.
    All constraints will carry over to the new Y.
    Now you can make your changes to Y.
    Arlin, Feb 26, 2004
  3. Chris W

    Jeff N Guest

    Sounds like we should make an ER for 'replace with copy'.

    Say you have several X parts in the assembly.
    You right-click on one of the X parts via the window or feature manager.
    Click 'replace with copy' in the menu.
    Save as dialog pops up with 'save as copy' checked.
    you save the part as Y
    It replaces that instance of X automatically with Y, mates intact.

    Only issues I can think of are:
    If you unchecked 'save as copy' when the save as dialog popped up should it
    replace all instances?
    Should the option to uncheck 'save as copy' even be available since you can
    replace all instances via opening the part and by doing a 'save as' anyway?
    Maybe this would eliminate having to open the part to save it as a new name
    to replace all instances. You would simply uncheck 'save as copy', it would
    then prompt you "Unchecking 'save as copy' will replace all instances with
    the newly saved part name" (or something like that).

    What do you all think? (I know, I know.. no more "new features" till they
    get the existing ones fixed you hypocrite).
    Jeff N, Feb 27, 2004
  4. Chris W

    Dave H Guest

    This could be a useful feature. I like it.
    Yes. I would use this quite often since we use existing assemblies as
    the base for new but slightly different versions all the time. I like
    the idea of creating the new part without having to open the old one first.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Feb 27, 2004
  5. Sounds like a challenge to me.
    Corey takes out his gloves
    slaps Arlin Jeff and Dave on each cheek
    and commences with no time frame

    Corey Scheich, Feb 27, 2004
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