Major 2008 Bug

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Junius Hunter, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. This one is a doozy.

    I started with an existing part to make a new part template. Under File /
    Properties I have set: the properties for Description, Material & Weight.for
    use in filling in this data in my drawings. It just so happens this
    original part was 6061 aluminum. I deleted the part extrusion and sketch,
    leaving me with a blank page, and then saved it as a new part template. As
    a followup, I did a test part with the new template. Regardless of material
    chosen or part dimensions, the mass tool says my part weighs 5.3 pounds,
    which was the weight of the originaal part. The File / Properties menu on
    the new test part says it's referencing the new test part for it's mass data
    yet will not display the correct weight of the part.

    Junius Hunter, Feb 21, 2008
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