
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Newman, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Chris Newman

    Chris Newman Guest

    The old chestnut of maintenance has reared its head again. Looking
    back at our requirements over the past 12 months and how many times we
    have used support I cannot justify the cost of having VAR (still makes
    me laugh) maintenance.
    Has anyone gone their own way and just paid for upgrades once a year?
    If so how and was it good for you?
    Chris Newman, Apr 26, 2007
  2. Chris Newman

    Ben Guest

    Man if you figure out a way to do that it would be golden to me and
    many many other users I know. My resellers support sucks at best. I am
    totally wasting my money with them. I would be happy to just pay for
    upgrades and use my network for help.

    Ben, Apr 27, 2007
  3. Chris Newman

    Jean Marc Guest

    Here (France), maintenance is 1500 Eu/yr, and upgrade 1195Eu. You still have
    to pay the "not faithfull penalty" of 500 Eu if you missed one year (or
    Jean Marc, Apr 27, 2007
  4. Chris Newman

    Chris Newman Guest

    We pay £1500 (just under €2200) for SW Premium per seat. I have no
    idea how we would go about going "upgrade only".
    Chris Newman, Apr 27, 2007
  5. Chris Newman

    bvw Guest

    We quit mainanance one and a half year ago. So i am stuck with sw 2006 for
    No regrets till know.
    I used the 1500 euro i saved for rhino 4 with maxwell render ( 1395 dollar /
    euro see
    I had problems with importing files into solidworks from another client of
    ours (can not open file).
    So i tried with rhino 4 .....and it worked . I could do a visual check on
    the assembly.
    I tried to repair the file so i could read it in sw , but that was harder
    than i thougt.

    I quit maintance before and when we updated sw 2004 we did have to pay
    reinstalation fee.
    but if you can wait 3 years you can buy a complete new installation for that

    At the moment i am also looking at VX , because this package has a cam
    module intergrated .
    The few things i have done in VX where very impresive .
    So maybe we will switch to that or use it next to solidworks.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.


    It is not the employer who pays wages, he only handles the money.
    It is the product that pays wages.

    Henry Ford
    bvw, Apr 27, 2007
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