
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by gupta9665, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. gupta9665

    gupta9665 Guest

    Well I'm working on a model which is having almost 100 configurations.
    Though I'm able to generate the part using the design table, but
    rebuilding everyone and checking is like a trouble thing as the model
    contains a seep feature thats take too much time to rebuild.
    Also I had never used the macros. So if anyone can help me out by
    sending me a macro (if possible) which can regenerate/rebuild each
    configuratios so that I can save my time and use it some where esle or
    if some one can guide me how to make a macro for this work

    Your early reply will be very helpful to me.

    Thanks & Regards

    Deepak Gupta
    gupta9665, Nov 14, 2006
  2. gupta9665

    takedown Guest

    It's always a good idea to learn by doing. I would start out by
    recording a macro. This will copy whatever it is your doing in
    SolidWorks into a VB macro for you. You don't need to have programming
    experience to try this.
    takedown, Nov 15, 2006

  3. I would be nervous about a model with 100 configurations. I suspect this is
    getting into the area where SW starts to flake out. As I recall, a company
    in our local users group ran into trouble when they got into the couple of
    hundred configurations range. They eventually gave up and started making
    single configuration models.

    On the other hand, maybe SW is getting better at handling large numbers of

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 16, 2006
  4. gupta9665

    TOP Guest

    I could be wrong, but isn't there a macro like that on the SW
    subscription site? Or is it in the Help examples?
    TOP, Nov 16, 2006
  5. gupta9665

    Engineer Guest

    Thx for the idea

    will try it out

    Thanks & Regards

    Deepak Gupta
    Engineer, Nov 16, 2006
  6. I have one that I wrote that will go through all the configs in a file and
    maximize the view isometric. As it is written, though, you have to push a
    button each time to go to the next config. The purpose was to be able to
    loop through the configs to check things, etc. Free if you wish.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 16, 2006
  7. gupta9665

    Engineer Guest

    thx for the help.

    i did it

    i made a macro for 3 configs and then copy paste the lines below them.
    then edited the macro by putting in the new config name inplace of
    older one and have the work finish.

    thx for everyone who helped me out.


    Engineer, Nov 17, 2006
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