Hey, I'm trying to make a very simple macro. But there are 2 things I don't seam to get right: 1. The following macro places the text "Dh". Sub main Dim startPoint As MbePoint Dim point As MbePoint, point2 As MbePoint MbeSendKeyin "place text;Dh" MbeSendKeyin Chr$(27) End Sub The problem is that the MicroStation Keyin gives the command "TEXT:" I have to press the [Esc] button to make this go away. How can I let the macro finish (after reset) with a blank Keyin??? 2. I've got the same macro as above that should place the text "E". But MicroStation doesn't know wat to do! When I give the command (as a Keyin) "place text;E" Microstation notives me that "Command not defined for this application". Can anybody help me with this? Thanks. Peter