Macro to identify zero thickness geometry

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CAD Guy, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. CAD Guy

    CAD Guy Guest

    I was wondering if anyone has a SW macro that can display the locations of
    zero thickness geometry conditions.

    Thanks in advance.

    CAD Guy, Nov 9, 2004
  2. solidworks will not make a feature if it creates 0 thickness. so there
    would be no way to look for somthing that is not created.

    also if you understand what 0 thickness is then you can tell on the
    screen were 0 thickness is happening.
    Sean Phillips, Nov 9, 2004
  3. Sean,

    I beg to differ.

    If you create a multi-body part (i.e. - weldment), it is certainly possible
    to create zero thickness geometry conditions.

    If you use COSMOSWorks, you must combine all of the bodies to run a stress
    analysis at the part level. Currently, COSMOSWorks doesn't support analysis
    of multi-body parts.

    As an alternative, I use the "Save Bodies" command to create a standalone
    assembly which can be analyzed with COSMOSWorks. This approach works OK,
    but takes more steps, and creates additional files to manage.

    If zero thickness geometry conditions were displayed when using the combine
    command, it would allow users to more easily modify the model, to eliminate
    these problems.

    Sorry I didn't clarify the situation more clearly in my earlier post.

    Besr regards,

    John Picinich, Nov 10, 2004
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