this macro: ^C^C-insert;RS-R1;\$M=$(*, $(getvar,USERR1),1);;;\\;-insert;RS-R3;CEN;\$M=$(*, $(getvar,USERR1),1);;\ When I put it in Mymenu.mnu file, it will work in 2005Lt but not in full 2005. When I take out semicolon infront of -insert, It will work both Lt and Full in menu Button. (^C^C-insert;RS-R1;\$M=$(*, $(getvar,USERR1),1);;;\\-insert;RS-R3;CEN;\$M=$(*, $(getvar,USERR1),1);;\) What is it about this semicolon that make Full version does not work in Mymenu.mnu or in Button ?
In Full Version, the semicolon acts like you pushed the Enter key (at that point) in the expanded command. Either a (space) or a ";" can be used. Spaces are much harder to 'see' when you are looking for errors. In your particular 'insert' have already finished the 'command'...and when you supply another ";" (after) that, Acad would attempt to execute the 'last' command..the 'insert', again, and feed in the rest of the macro as (input) ... which makes it fail. Once you get the macro to work in both menus, just leave it that way. Bob