Macro - last user retains control

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. I have this macro that I wrote not long ago, and it appears to work mostly
    fine. What I have found, though, is that it appears that the last person to
    run it from the network retains control of it. The reason I say this is
    because I found that I couldn't rename it, overwrite it, delete it, etc.
    Upon checking the server, we identified the person that it said it belonged
    to, and upon further testing, found that the person with the control was the
    last person to run it. At the end of it I cleared my variables to release
    the memory, so that's not it. Any thoughts as to why this is happening?


    ' CreateNewConfig
    ' Created by Wayne Tiffany, 2/17/07
    ' This macro will create a new configuration in the part file based on
    ' the current configuration. It will add an "A" to the end of the name,
    ' & optionally add a "0" to the beginning of the name.
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim StartConfig As Configuration
    Dim configMgr As ConfigurationManager
    Dim StartName As String
    Dim CParent As Configuration

    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Model = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set configMgr = Model.ConfigurationManager

    Set StartConfig = Model.GetActiveConfiguration
    StartName = StartConfig.Name

    Debug.Print StartName
    Debug.Print StartConfig.IsDerived

    ' Message box section
    Dim Quest, Style, Title, MsgBoxResponse, NewName
    Quest = "Do you want to add a 0 to the name?" ' Define question
    Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1 ' Define buttons
    Title = "Add 0 - Y/N" ' Define title.
    MsgBoxResponse = MsgBox(Quest, Style, Title, "", 1)
    If MsgBoxResponse = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes
    NewName = "0 " & StartName & " A" ' Add the 0 & the suffix
    Else ' User chose No.
    NewName = StartName & " A" ' Add only the suffix
    End If

    Model.ShowConfiguration2 (StartName) ' Need this to force the focus to
    the current config
    configMgr.AddConfiguration NewName, "", "", 0, "", ""

    Set CurrentDoc = Nothing 'Clean up variables
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub
    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 7, 2007
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    ed_1001 Guest

    Not sure if it is the same issue, but I have several macros
    written that exihibit the same or at least similar behavior. The
    first user to run the macro retains control until they close their
    session of SW. Until then, no one, not even an admin, can rename,
    overwrite, etc. One nasty side effect of this is that while working
    on the macro, if you run it and then try to debug, you cannot save
    without shutting down SW and restarting. Not even a save as. And the
    messages from SW are ambiguous so you don't get a clear picture of
    what happened. Not sure if this is what you are seeing. SW2006
    (various SPs).
    ed_1001, Jun 7, 2007
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    fcsuper Guest


    If I understand you correctly, it seems to be a Windows function and
    not directly related to SolidWorks at all. When VB (or many other MS
    software like Excel, Word, etc) opens a file, it claims control of
    that file. No one else can edit it while one person has it open.
    Others can access it and use it, but cannot save to it. There is
    nothing you can do about this at all. Its a file management issue
    with the Windows OS.

    However, if you find that no one has the file open, and it still shows
    a user with ownership, then this utility may help you:
    However, if the issue is cronic, there may be a network issue that
    also needs to be addressed.

    A secondary temporary fix is to simple rename the folder in which the
    macro lays. Then copy that whole folder and rename it to its original
    name. The locked file will remain in the old folder that now has a
    different name, and the new unlocked file will be in the folder with
    the correct name. I use this trick once in awhile to fool Windows
    into giving me control of a file that has been incorrectly locked.

    Co-moderator of
    fcsuper, Jun 7, 2007
  4. I believe this is what I am seeing, and it's not limited to just this one
    file. I tried the Unlocker program also mentioned here and it comes back
    with "No Locking handle found." I tried to rename it, but it couldn't.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 8, 2007
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Tin Man Guest


    This has been the behavior of SolidWorks macros for years. Whenever a
    User runs a macro, that macro remains open in SolidWorks memory (kind
    of like opening an assembly file, and even tho you only opened that
    one file you actually have ownership of all of the component files
    [and they're open] in the background). Below is the macro behavior
    I've observerd, and the method I use to make and distribute macro
    updates for macros shared across a network.

    During an SW secession, run a few macros and then go into the Macro
    Editor. You will *all* the macros you've run listed in the Project
    Window. Go up to the Run menu and choose 'Reset'. Now close the
    Editor, then go back into the editor (you'll have to choose a macro to
    edit, choose any one that you want). Now in the Macro Editor you will
    only see that one macro listed in the Project Window. Hence you have
    released ownership of all the other macro files (or at maybe better
    stated...closed all the macros SW had open in the background). So
    during a SolidWorks secession, if you never go into the Macro Editor
    and hit the 'Reset' button, which I would *not* expect Users to do
    (and they shouldn't have to), then that macro (and *all* others) will
    remain open in their SolidWorks secession until they close SolidWorks.
    In the macro code itself, I have tried clearing out all variables and
    objects at the end of the macro, but no matter what I tried...that
    macro remains in SW memory until I either 'Reset' in the Macro Editor,
    or close SW. The only advantage I've seen from this behavior is that
    macros already open in the SW background do initialze/load faster
    (maybe a couple tenth's of a second faster but for the most part
    hardly even noticable unless you are paying attention and comparing).
    Try it for yourself, it is noticable even without a stopwatch. :eek:)

    To continue, so what happens is that the first User to run the macro
    gets Write-Access to the file. Any subsequent users that run the macro
    get Read-Only Access. Note that if the owning User changes that macro
    code and saves the changes, none of the Users that have the macro open
    Read-Only will see the changes until they either 'Reset' or restart SW
    (because they still have the Read-Only version open in the background
    and will continuse using that version until it gets dumped from
    memory). Also, once the owning User has hit Save in the Macro Editor
    and closes that macro, SW releases ownership the macro (and the macro
    will *not* be open in your SW secession any more, same as hitting
    'Reset'). The next user to run that macro that does not already have
    the Read-Only version open, will then get ownership (i.e. Write-
    Access) of that file.

    The work-around I use for editing/updating macros shared across a
    network is:
    1) Make a "User Macros" directory (for instqance the one you're Users
    are all already looking at), and make all macros in that directory
    Read-Only from Windows Explorer. Even better would be to store that
    directory in a location that only Administrators have write-access
    rights too.
    2) Copy that folder and all the macros to a different location on the
    network. Remove the Read-Only setting on the files. Consider this your
    *Master Macros* file location. Put this somewhere that only you (or
    Administrators) have access to. This is were you will edit macros, and
    even run macros from when debugging. Do not consider this a production
    usage location for macros. Personally, I always make a backup copy
    first so I don't have to bother the IT guys if I screw the macro up
    and want to restore it and start over.
    3) Now what happens is that all Users will run macros from the "User
    Macros" location and will get Read-Only access to the files when
    running them, therefore the files will not be locked. What you will do
    is Edit a macro from the "Master Macros" directory, and once you're
    happy with it copy it over the file in the "User Macros" directory.
    a) If a User is in an urgent need of this update, tell them to
    close down and re-start SolidWorks (which is easier than explaining
    the whole 'Reset' thing in the Macro Editor, but doing the 'Reset'
    thing will allow them to keep SW and any files open and running, so
    your choice). Otherwise (if it's not urgent to distribute the update),
    you know that the macro file is updated, and that the next time they
    re-start SW they will see the update (this is what I usually do).
    b) You may be wondering why I don't just store the "User Macros" in
    an location with Admin Rights only and just edit the macros there
    (since I'm the only SW User with Admin Rights)...I tried this, but it
    seemed inconsistent in saving my changes. Even tho other Users had the
    file open Read-Only, I still had times where the Macro Editor did not
    save my changes. I know this sounds like a User (i.e. myself) error,
    but editing the macros there and getting them to save was not reliable
    for me. Editing the macros in a separate (Master) directory meant that
    my changes were *always* saved. Even if some how an error happened
    when trying to copy the Master Macro over the User Macro, I know that
    the Master Macro is right *and more importantly* I don't loose my


    Make a "User Macros" directory (like the one you're Users are all
    already looking at), and make all macros in that directory Read-Only
    from Windows Explorer.
    Tin Man, Jun 9, 2007
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    Diego Guest

    Very interesting discussion. Why not just run the macros from local
    directories and then update those directories as you revise the
    macros? We only have 3 users here, and I'm the only one writing
    macros, so it doesn't take much work to update; but I suppose with a
    lot of users this could be a hassle.

    Diego, Jun 11, 2007
  7. Wayne Tiffany

    ed_1001 Guest

    This isn't the behavior that I've seen. If any user runs the macro,
    they get read only access. The first person to open the macro for
    editing gets write access. For example, if I have a macro on my local
    drive (that's where I write/debug them), and I run it, I cannot then
    edit the macro and save the edits (without closing SW, of course -
    I've never tried the 'reset' trick, but I will now). Not even 'Save
    As' works (there is no such option). If I edit first, then I can save
    the edits and run the macro as many times as I'd like. Kind of odd
    ed_1001, Jun 11, 2007
  8. I think what I am seeing here is probably not unique to us, it seems. Most
    of the macros are being accessed from local folders, but once in a while I
    will tell someone to go run one off the network, and that's where I found
    that I couldn't do anything with it after that. The network folder is read
    only for everyone but me, so it's not a case of anyone having write rights,
    it's the fact that SW appears to keep the file open.

    I like the idea of the reset as I too have run into the situation of testing
    my own macro and not being able to save it. I guess those times I must have
    test run it before I opened it in the editor. I have also seen times when I
    see many macros open in the editor and I didn't understand why they
    sometimes show up. Now I do. Thanks guys.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 11, 2007
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